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Hey everyone, for the next month, I'm offering 25% off on ALL of my #anatomy #sciart #photography. I'll be retiring a few of my older prints at the end of this sale, but most will still be available. Check it out at https://t.co/aB44PUvzKH. Retweets are appreciated!
That is some prime huggin' real estate.
Fun little commission for @lennud of one of his characters after retiring (and apparently getting into some really bad music in his free time)
RECTIFY(left) MOD(right)
I have a 🔻SALE🔻 in my online shop for some retiring prints. Items 10% to 50% OFF. Grab some goods before the retire for all eternity.
( link to my shop https://t.co/ZBBjJLcuZF )
"Retiring Zhora” by Adam Cockerton
前から気になっていた"Roy" by Craig Drake購入😭
Finally retiring this comic from 2014(?) so I can put it in my portfolio so I thought I'd post the full thing here! (1/4)
🦈 It's still #sharkweek and these sweet shark babies are looking to be noticed! 🦈
While they aren't retiring, after the remaining stock is sold out, I don't have any immediate plans to restock them any time soon.
🦈 https://t.co/6O1kLpYHmW
I'm retiring from the waifu-making business; this is bad for my heart. Thanks still to #waifulabs
Another colleague retiring, tried a semi-realistic version and a more cartoon-like one mostly inspired by Roger in The 101 Dalmatians because they kind of have the same aura ^^
new prints for comifuro 🤔needs a couple more I think since I;m retiring a lot
Alright Twitter, it’s official. I’m retiring to my crying corner until October 12th. In the meantime, here’s the culprit of my EMOTIONS @MHAOfficial #MyHeroAcadamia @VoiceOfVegeta
"Thor." Oil on linen panel 9x12.
With Thor Odinson retiring: who worthy will raise Mjolnir? Will we see an MCU "Jane Foster: Goddess of Thunder?" Maybe Beta Ray Bill?
Or... Deadpool!?
#thor #janefoster #oilpainting #marvelcomics #norsemythology
EVERYTHING pokemon is 30% OFF in my store!
I’m retiring these items so this is the LAST CHANCE to get it!
Sale link:
Ends on 24th of JUNE
Link to full Etsy store:
Just a reminder that I will be retiring my entire FE: Awakening, Fates, and Echoes charms after AX. This will be the last time I open preorders for them!
Retiring archivist Paul Banfield speaks at a massively attended celebration at Grad Club of his 31 years of service. All the best, Paul!
Pure white with stamens of gold. Not a shy and retiring wallflower - more a brute of epic proportions. If you have a hedge or fence you don’t like, plant a Clematis montana, it’ll soon envelop it in cascades of blooms in early summer #gardendesign #gardens #clematis #loveplants
@dpanikkar @kamlesm @PunjabiRooh @KS1729 So beautiful.
According to Claudio - "This rendering has no comparison in European paintings of the period."
The closest he thought was the Sienese Primitives -an example👇🏽Giovanni di Paolo
"Saint John the Baptist Retiring to the Desert"
Giovanni di Paolo
National Gallery