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Not sure if I posted this at the right size, but say hello to Manna/male Anna! He's thinking about stonks. #FireEmblem #pixelart #rule63
"Primera novela del amazonas primo rubiusTonks" ( https://t.co/N3cJKVy8d1 ) 👤by -ImFanny-🔎Link: https://t.co/kxZACWgGn1
@_Sebtoon @TheWateryFire11 @Marcko_Eliz @YukiUwU4 No stonks
If you're curious about what sort of podcast we are, there's a stretch in our early access episode going up on Patreon later today where we just say "Stonks" back-and-forth and giggle.
"No la volvió a poner. NotStonks" ( https://t.co/N3cJKVy8d1 ) 👤by ElJoseph123🔎Link: https://t.co/l6FC1bIhZ6
@Gabriel_da_Gama Conheci esse anime pela musica do grupo Klore IV mt boa inclusive...ag que lançou o anime ja tenho nova waifuzinha...esse anime é so stonks
Una comision de la monjita Iris y alguien me dio 2 lucas pa ponerle un ahegao. Stonks.
allez hop, c'est fini- je m'en va mourir-
RT et likes appréciés, et je vous invite à être stonks, et à dire qu'Asta est classe- et un peu mama-
"Are you okay doctor??"
"Let's get this through altogether!"
'Sanity stonks'
#Hung #Arknights #ArknightsFanArt
I was away for months but i DID get better at art so 🤔
Have a Beatrix so engrossed in her stonks she doesn't realize how many burgers she's gone through.
Humanstonks Vaska and Terepy what crimes will they commit 😳
[#vriskaserket #terezipyrope #homestuck]