Halloween's crazy drawings week : J-3 ! A zoom of the little witch I slightly sketched in the 1st illustration ;)
"Vole-citrouille" entre dérober et voltiger ;)

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"Lucifer" est une as de la voltige et une voleuse professionnelle d’artefacts magiques. Mais le jour où elle accepte le job de trop, elle déclenche accidentellement un mal ancien susceptible de mettre l’humanité en péril.
HEXED OMNIBUS - en librairie : https://t.co/uf4Nn2QC3M

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Kicked off week of poetry today reading to year 4 & talking acrostic poems, laughing with reception with & acting out with year 2. I 💚

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If I have to resketch this again I am revolting

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Tried to eat a grass burger the other day. How can Easter stand that stuff? It's revolting, I rather eat the pony who made this. Maybe I will

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"Giunge un'età,infatti,in cui la pieta che avevamo per i bambini prende un'altra forma,un'età in cui contempliamo i volti rugosi dei vecchi e intuiamo che un giorno saremo come loro.È allora che finisce la prima infanzia"I.Nemirovsky

R.Balbuena 🎨

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Racist, misogynist, xenophobe internal minister of Italy -Matteo Salvini- on the cover of magazine as “the new face of Europe”. More like the other end of the body. How can the World allow such people to speak in public, let alone to govern entire countries? It’s revolting.

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Here are 2 illustrations from the poems by The first is of the 3 bears from and the second shows Prince Charming decapitating one of the ugly sisters in 🐻🙃 Find out more in our book Words and Pictures by

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Tomorrow (13th) is so come along to our story time at 4pm to hear some revolting rhymes! You can also meet Melanie and Splats our junior snails

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2018 마틸다 MATILDA

뮤지컬 마틸다 무대 이미지
2, 3, 4번째 이미지는 헤더용 사이즈입니다.
일부러 로고는 넣지 않았습니다.
출처 표기 시 자유롭게 사용 가능합니다 :)

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Draw this for a contest~ XD It's volting section now, If you like this artwork , kindly click the image and like it at their page, thanks a lot!

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Voltiquen as requested by anonymous on tumblr.

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Illustration done for the Patron Strykehog of their character performing an action-like pose.

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Vidéo et dessin pour le streamer/sniper à la plus haute voltige ! https://t.co/Vctli839RF
Merci de transmettre la puissance avec tes lives😃

Quand je t'ai découvert, il y a presque un an, jouant Widow et mangeant du fenouil je me suis dit : ce mec là il est incroyable!

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I'm VoltiComics and I draw, build Gunpla, and take photographs.

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takatsuki yayoi
artist: andou shuuki

revolting convention of memorial dinners, that’s why! Though, of course, one might go to laugh at it.... I am sorry there won’t be any

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