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The weeks ready free map set is - The Primordial Forge - A lava powered runic forge for the creation of legendary weapons!
This map was a collaboration with who created a free original track to go with it.
Download here: https://t.co/gOGkEhwPkh

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Io sconvolta perché secondo il primo concept art Yusuke doveva avere i capelli lunghi. Ma quanto era gnocco daiii 🥺😭
Ma anche così sta benissimo, è sempre bellissimo lui 💖❤️💕

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I should design more comic mutuals as primordials for fun.

I still remember doing these ones some time back of , and ~

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haleth 💞
in one of our aus, haleth is a primordial goddess!

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The central star of the 17th Arcanum. ‘I am ACTIVITY, the efficient cause who set all in motion; and I am CONTEMPLATION, the final cause, who draws towards himself all that is in movement. I am PRIMORDIAL ACTION; and I am ETERNAL WAITING- for all to arise where I am.’

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3 part project is done.
Part 1 CrescentXRouya by Primodrago
Part 2 SolXGrain by Baschwastaken
Part 3 StarXAdolphe by Kurosuke
A big thank you to all 3 artists for these pairings.

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Primo buenos dias cres que pueda pedirte un consejo es que tengo depresion y no se como sentirme mejor 😢

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Did someone say EL PRIMO ?!

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Voglio solo cinque cose ...
Il primo è l'amore infinito
Il secondo è vedere l'autunno
Il terzo è il rigido inverno
Quarto l'estate
La quinta cosa sono i tuoi occhi
Non voglio dormire senza i tuoi occhi.
Non voglio stare senza che tu mi guardi.

Pablo Neruda.

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Waters of Creation. A golden form emerges from the darkness of the primordial firmament, its light transforming all it touches, growing in power as it moves amidst the chaos. It is a beginning.

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Chaos is a primordial god, and self-proclaimed; First King of the Cosmos.

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A bastante tempo sem postar mas é por que eu estava me aprimorando, agora eu posso apresentar essa coisa maravilhosa

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Primordial Vampire by Istrandar

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ninja of the "Nth"dimension haha
era o jogo favorito do meu primo e consequentemente o primeiro que acabei jogando junto com super mario world

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Siete tutti invitati.
Non vi sarete infatti dimenticati che questo Autunno andremo tutti in visita a ?
Primo poster ufficiale per la nuova stagione di la che ci ha già portato (e terrorizzato) a

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Nuevo presentando a Genzak. Primo de Sayha y Zinox, a quien detesta. Ahora parece un personaje medio serio porque es desconfiado.

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