's day 6, Jobro. Obviously I had to do Caesar because he's precious and I LOVE him.

These would be big pins, two variants since I couldn't decide on colours

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*sweats nervously* I forgot to post this oh no

I finished this months ago for this lovely zine-- I'm actually really proud of it!! Please check out the zine for the other artists works! (They're all amazing)


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😳 caesar time 😳

😳 caesar time 😳

lmao it’s been so long since I’ve done traditional art but I like this style!! might do it a bit more 👀👀

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art trade with a very cool person on insta

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[2019.09.18] Thanks gave me his promise to do this picture! Please, have a look at his page! His Caesar Cosplay is amazing! I cannot even display 1 percent of his beauty💕

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This was honestly made for myself due to my birthday being tomorrow but I decided to have it be an early gift for Joseph as well!

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Day 3: Favourite Hamon User


Sorry this ones late and incomplete got a major migraine yesterday and I just couldn't focus at all.
I'll continue to work on this later.

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[2019.08.30] Well, I just let you guys finish the outcome🤣

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