‘Mak ready, mak ready, my merry men aw!
Our gude ship sails the morn.’
‘Nou eer alack, ma maister dear,
I fear a deadly storm.’

‘A saw the new muin late yestreen
Wi the auld muin in her airm...’
-Sir Patrick Spens

🎨Knud Baade

9 27

In all my life
I’ve always been
A Friday child
A wild disdain
For greener hues
A tendency
To feign few cares
For life or news
Or anything
Or anyone
Or anywhere
It’s all to use

In all my days
I got it wrong
We are simply
What we choose


0 4

Some fantasy furries for you this morn, featuring our bravest little Hammie, Boots.

4 44

Eris Morn and Mara Sov in a slightly scary style. I really enjoyed working on this drawing ^^

29 116

Good morn(S)ing(to)☀️


62 77

信頼が強すぎるため周りがびっくりするほど距離が近い友人関係の2人……というのがとても好きですので、My teeのGordとMorn見てるともうだめ。気が狂いそう。可愛い理容店の息子が、美しい資産家の息子の膝で宿題やってっdhっるんでsyお膝で

8 47

I stand sockless
At 4.30am
A sickly yellow bulb jabs
At brittle eyes

like the wrong dream
sudden nothingness
Walking through slabs of light
it should be dark

I grasp at the memory of furniture
with comic timing
Terracotta tiles swoon up
To meet unbroken bones


3 11

What a vastness
Of a void
I watch the flicker
Of street lamps
At morning’s sluggishness
Prevaricating amongst the shrubs
This stillness
Is oppressive
And the fast food tubs
And stubbed out stubs
Are places
On my pre-dawn map


1 10

Good morn(S)ing(to)☀️



46 48

Love these Frank Brunner illustrations for Robert E Howard’s Bran Mak Morn. ‘Worms of the Earth’ is among my favourite Howard tales. I have Karl Edward Wagner’s sequel to it. Is there any other Bran Mak Morn pastiche fiction worth getting? Did Howard do much more with Morn?

8 19

Good Morn-Io, dragon treasure :3c
Draggo is back!

35 651

Good morn(S)ing(to)☀️



83 92

"I love to rise in a summer morn,
When the birds sing on every tree;
The distant huntsman winds his horn,
And the skylark sings with me:
O what sweet company!"
—William Blake
📷 Art by T.C. Chiu

4 26

Good morn(S)ing(to)☀️



60 58

Why paint this living life
With lemon, cadmium red?
When evolution bleeds
With love from wounded dead

Cerulean and ochre
Greens that tend to grey
Why paint life into death
When the living cannot pay?


Like another green world.

0 3

I’m....done. Tomorrow is mezzo livestream b-but let’s pretend timezones suck s-so 2 days left? 🥺💙💜 (I’ll post the last day tmr morn anyways)

...ye I know I f up the numbers pls forgib my stuped brain which always bad with numbers....

19 48

Decided to do a rough sketch of 's version of Eris Morn

4 86

Hope is like a poppy plucked
Precarious and doomed
A tissue dipped in vibrant blood
Wasteland life resumed

Hopelessness comes later
When the poppy, in a vase
Quickly sheds its glowing face
And bleeds as red as Mars


4 11