The trio during Katie's first pregnancy~💕🥰
(Katie, Sophie, & Deo)

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Alle sind im hype und posten ganz viele Screenshots.
Da ich es (noch) nicht spielen kann, aber genauso gehyped bin, habe ich ein paar Bewohner gezeichnet! (Sophie, Huschke und Olga)
Ich geh dann mal weiter meine Stadt aufhübschen

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I've missed this trio~
(Sophie, Deo, & Katie)

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Decided to do Sophie, sorry i took so long.

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Sophie, since I don't have art for her yet. and Thanks

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I had been thinking about looking into Poyle doing a 10hr of Sophie, but when I discovered the Naoto set it is kinda hard to ask for what would almost be the same concept and design.

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Hi Sophie, I do both animal and people portraits, and have open commission slots.
I work in naturalistic and stylised portraits.
More work can be found here:
DMs are open as well.

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Cynthia, Sophie, and Emma are my most recent. I'm sorry to hear this. Hope you feel better soon.

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sweet sweet Sophie, wanted to draw Sophie in a cute lolita outfit <3 and different hair x3
god if i had a job i would spare up money for a lolita dress...

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Yesss remember when I said I wanted to make a Webcomic of Howl's Moving Castle? Heeeree are sketches of Sophie, I need help picking a hairstyle qwq
Long tied
Long straight
Short straight

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was originally gonna do a redraw of howl and sophie, but i realized something important

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Día 12 deseo
Breve explicación, la imagen representa el deseo que jecent le tenía a Sophie, pero nunca le hizo nada hasta que fue mayor :v igual este dibujo pertenece a la misma escena que me dibujo para mi cumple/navidad ewe solo que desde mi imaginación :v

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- Sophie's Tan -

This was also a fun one to work on. I wanted to give appreciate to and the work you do, by drawing the one of the best OC out there 😁.
For sophie, i HAD to give her a scenery to add onto the aesthetic. I dont usually do backgrounds.

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My name is Sophie, I'm a digital Illustrator, I created a few characters like the ones for my personal project "The 4 Killers" (still in progress) or just one for fun like Remy and Elio (4th pic). My e-mail is

At your service

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40 RANKINGS: - Sophie Clarke

Sometimes I said I couldn't really get into some characters and I didn't know why, well here, I really really like Sophie, and I really couldn't pinpoint why, I like her snarkiness?

Support me:

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Hi !! I had the honour of being your Atelier Secret Santa this year!
You mentioned that you loved Plachta and the bond between her and Sophie, so I thought I'd draw them working on a recipe together! ^^ I hope you like it~! 💕

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More patreon sketches, this time for Sophie, , , and !!

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thanks for watching my stream today! I managed to finish something acceptable in CSP, that's a huge surprise for me x'D
I love Atelier Sophie, so I decided to draw Sophie in my favorite costum of hers <3

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I just donated and downloaded! 🥰💞💞💞
What a wonderful project to raise money for
You have a Such a beautiful voice and I LOVE the lyrics!
You are a song!

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