Drew my supervisor for my work newsletter lmao hes gonna flip

0 0

I showed my supervisor my GOT7 birdie and she loved it lmao. She then asked what GOT7 was and one of my colleagues shouted "Some handsome guys!"

P.S I'm a hungry aghase so I'm leaving these here as well as a photo of me trying to be pretty but ending up a lunatic

5 17

"Provocative Paintings in Art” This gloriously fleshy portrait is “regarded as one of the most remarkable paintings of the human figure ever produced.” (Christie’s) Lucien Freud; “Benefits Supervisor Sleeping” (1995)

0 1

sou supervisor de direção de arte do irmão do jorel
faço tirinhas mas to ausente nessa pegada ai
desenho cenários
tenho um cachorro
segue meu trampo
to fazendo agora é arte do FAROL

118 804

Hey I'm Mocha, I like to illustrate cute girls, cute things and using (cute) warm colors❤️

I'm always on the lookout for work, hire me to be your Cuteness Supervisor (and/or illustrator)!

41 201

It's ! I'm Raya, a mexican illustrator and visual development artist.

I have worked as bg artist for animated shows and as art supervisor for mobile games.

I am searching for any work opportunity or freelance this year ✨

🌿 skull.raya.com

72 513

hey 🍃 i'm a vfx supervisor & i love to paint!

3 17

Animation Supervisor: Tadayoshi Yamamuro (山室直儀).

Dragon Ball GT: Episode (1996).

286 1573

“Old concept I did for from back in 2004 for design supervisor Erik Tiemens.” - senior art director

116 1084

Naoki Miyahara (宫 原 直树)
Animador desde Dbz en el estudio de Toei, participó en pocos capítulos como supervisor. Su estilo de dibujo es muy estilizado y detallado, llegando a confundirlo con Yamamuro porque seguía los diseños muy bien, pero con un toque propio.

29 202

it would be superb. Now if the godfather(Toshiyuki Tsuru[都留稔幸])himself decide to direct an episode, now that would be glorious. Another thing i wonder if the lord Retsu Ohkawara[大河原烈] will be an animation supervisor outside the finale


5 44

Naoki Tate.
Trabajó en el estudio "Seigasha" desarrolló su animación desde Dbz bajo el mando de supervisores de Shimanuki y Hisada.
Su estilo era un poco más redondos que los anteriores, animador muy expresivo, sus efectos en el escenario, auras y personajes eran muy detalladas.

32 232

Animation Supervisor: Tadayoshi Yamamuro (山室直儀).

Dragon Ball Z: Episode (1994).

166 973

Animation Supervisor: Masayuki Uchiyama (内山正幸).

Dragon Ball Z: Episode (1994).

98 449

So i had this idea, about, uh....
a Mokey fast food service.
needless to say, Mokey Burger was born.

is the supervisor and chief, pretty much.
I'll do more doodles about this idea.

Also, Maddie's working there.
Thought she sort of fit.

Meh, cringy idea, ngl.

2 6

2019 was insane— got engaged to , John went full time , no more commuting (YAY), adopted our weirdo Gooby, got promoted to FX Art Supervisor, spoke at ENJMIN in France and had a last minute Europe trip

incredible year ❤️

some personal I’m proud of~

11 173

Animation Supervisor Ben Willis fine-tunes a scene with everyone’s favorite Funk Troll, Cooper ().

13 122

Animation Supervisor: Shingo Ishikawa (石川晋吾).

Director: Yoshihiro Ueda (上田芳裕).

Dragon Ball Z: Episode (1995).

337 1039

“The Resistance ‘Lucky Lander’ from as seen in Pablo Hidalgo’s Visual Dictionary. This wasn’t an easy one to design because it had to serve many functions. In the end, hopefully it felt enough.” - design supervisor James Clyne

27 266