Woman Peeling Potatoes near a Window, 1881

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Iranian cartoonist, Alireza Karimi Moghaddam, shares his admiration for in an ongoing comic series starring the Post-Impressionist painter 🎨 view more: https://t.co/ukkz6acrjT

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Three Persons Returning from the Potato Field, 1883

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Two Women Talking to Each Other While Digging, 1885

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Still life with a basket of apples, 1885

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"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day." - Vincent Van Gogh

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Peasant with Sickle, Seen from the Back, 1885

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Woman with Kettle by the Fireplace, 1885

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Still Life with Roses and Sunflowers, Vincent van Gogh, 1886

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