"Listen you two-bit merchant, you're going to give me a discount or so help me I will tear you limb from limb!"
Commissioned to draw my D&D character, Ka'Ren of the Sisters of Smythe! She's having a meltdown 😩

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Our Lady of the Branching Rivers 🦎

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My character for a DnD campaign, Kailani Kandarapa! She's a water genasi bard and a TikTok influencer 😜✨

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Mapulon fighting Hanan! Really proud of this one

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In Tinguian folklore, Alotokan is an old woman who watches over the souls of the dead. In my reimagining of her for she functions as the underworld's security head, tracking down escapees.

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Spanish colonial forms of my folklore OCs, the Heat Haze Boy and the Monsoon Girl!

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Сегодня будет Ким - он темный эльф и классический вор-из-аристократов. Ему было так скучно дома что что б занять себя чем-то и обратить на себя внимание строгих консервативных родителей - он пристрастился к метанию ножей и воровству (что капец как грешно у тёмных )

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Art for my OCverse! I got an ask that really inspired me, so I took the chance to lay out some worldbuilding.


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🎶 Leron, leron sinta / Buko ng papaya 🎶

Doña Jacinta, diwata of luck and fortune - both good and bad. 🌴

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Julian sleeps naked as he gets hot quickly so kicks off the covers. He's a human radiator. Was definitely a shock for poor Elliot when they were roommates in Uni. He wouldn't put on clothes for midnight toilet breaks either.

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My reimagining of a pontianak! In Malay and Indonesian folklore, they’re said to be ghosts smelling of plumeria flowers that dwell in banana trees during the day.

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Maria Blanca's thoughts on having a boyfriend!

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