34/47: GEORGE AND THE DRAGON (Chris Wormell) ~ This book has always been a favorite in our family. It’s about a tiny mouse named George and a mighty dragon with a deep, dark secret. Can you guess what it is? Truly wondrous illustrations, but I might like CW’s linocuts even more!

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Ever wonder how an illustrator creates their pictures?
Everyone is different.

Here is how I made my latest cover for Little Jack Thomson’s Magnificent Brain in linocut and watercolor.
From start to cover.


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First time block printing on olive green shirts and I’m really happy with the results. The black, red and green is a fun interplay. Drying will take a few days, but a few of these will make it to the shop.

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The Escalator, Cyril Power Linocut in 3 colours - edition of 50

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Marjory F. Whittington and Dorothy Woollard (below 'At Dinan, Brittany' of 1925-30), all published linocuts with the Forest Press, which operated in the New Forest UK from 1923 to about 1930 (see September 2018 issue).

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Linocut stabs are the worst because they look like a papercut sting like a bitch

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Sneak peak at artist Celia Lewis , Renanthera Orchid to be exhibited Spring Exhibition 23 March 2019 https://t.co/8HxRqCquBK

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Last chance to see NINE X NINE !
Leonora Venter and Elizabeth Tristram Barbed echoes
linocut, silverleaf, oil paint and acrylic paint
35 x 30 cm

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When I was sketching this I asked my son for something he liked to include. He challenged me: “Clarence!”. And I did as he wished.


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Spent some time today taking photos of the new shirts, in preparation making them available online. Shooting for next weekend.

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Whilst I am trying to conjure up some warmth here is a pair of lapwkngs ... seen at Hayle estuary at this time of year, from a distance in flight they always appear to be black and white which belies their beautiful iridecant plumage.
. .

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converted to digital logo for my profiles

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