I have a side project in the works. Don’t worry, Penniless Princess is still being worked on.

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内容は既刊「Side P」と全く同じ構成の魔法少女パンツ本になります。既刊も持っていくので持ってない人は併せてお願いします!

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Just sold at my Society6 store. Check out my painting Acrylic on canvas.

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- this week is my character work on Aokigahara, by my friends at Fresh Ink Games - an expressive and respectful exploration of the cultures of one of Japan’s more singular stretches of forest. Check the game at https://t.co/xEEWlmG5Qr

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Sometimes I feel like I'm only surrounded by "delicate noses". But I also try to think of those before me that shared these genetics...like I inherited a defining feature from this bad ass tribe of warriors. It's kind of empowering through that mindset.

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フトアゴ3兄弟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
さんにて描かせていただきましたっ。ステッカー・マグカップ・アクリルチャームと展開してます!よろしくお願いいたします( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )

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FROOPS / 04.28.17 [sideproject]

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salty japanese yoda bein ignored by senpai cuz some sidepony hobag lookin all cute n shit

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I'm reliably informed that THIS is out today. 12th Doc With my Barnet-tastic variant cover.

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