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A birthday piece for the wonderful of his sorority girl druid, Mackenzie! We as players all adore Mackenzie, although at least a couple of our PCs are straight-up scared of her 😂

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A l'il portrait of my girl, Revi! She's a knowledge domain cleric with a passion for ancient cultures and artifacts 🌺 (It should be noted that the glasses are absolutely fake)

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Finally finished this one up woop! Meet Vena, my Paladin of Shar that is currently searching for her loved one all over Faerun ❤️

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CW: suggested (nonsexual) nudity ✨

Gonna be real, i ship Korinna and Marcell real hard and hope it works out for them 💜🌈
(Marcell belongs to 🥰)

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I've decided to draw all the party members of my group as cute chibi versions.
This is our half-dragon paladin, with her silver dragon poppa.


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This isn't related to the the pic, but Korinna is a coffee addict and always has coffee on her person ☕

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Using this new drawing of Astreia to announce that I'm gonna be taking commissions soon! ✨ I'm a l'il nervous but mostly excited! 🥰
Thank you all for sticking with me! 💜

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And here she is fully rendered! 💜
Astreia's parents were hippy storm-chasers determined to have their baby born a genasi, and it would appear they succeeded 🌪🌩

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Nothing I love more than drawing characters!

Throwback to the fun pieces I did in 2018 of myself and my main DM as citizens of Faerun.

We’re both half-elves, though I’m a bard and he’s a monk 😊

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The poll isn't quite done yet but my shift at work starts soon and i wanna post before that so gonna go out on a limb and say the winner is probs Astreia! 💜 Thank you for voting! 🥰
This piece is SO CLOSE to completion! Just gotta fully render it! 💜

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Sketch Commission for !
I had so much fun drawing this Kenku friend ☺️

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I bring y'all a finished piece this morning!! I don't know exactly what's up with these two but it's gay 🌈
(Feat. ' character, Marcell 💜)

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📌Hi! I'm spooky, an illustration student who loves comics, character design and all things fantasy! ✨

📷 Instagram- https://t.co/pCBMEmRhy2

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I heard is a thing? Well what's up then I'm spooky and I'm a webcomic artist who loves fantasy and drawing oc's!

✨read my webtoon- https://t.co/MmeRKTrPYK

✨instagram- https://t.co/pCBMEmRhy2

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