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RPG Fact You will spend alot of time trying to convince the Druid not to be a Bear in Town.

13 27

Pixel Art Lottery 3: Myra, the sun-beaming Half-orc Druid for /u/302nostaw

1 4

Late night sketch of my favourite couple ever: Yael and Brun, the

0 1

Dice Curses... they're real. I have players that will vouch for it

36 86

What's the craziest mash-up campaign you've done? Mine was a Wonderland/Oz war with the PCs caught in the middle

7 27

Thyra Bergfalk, Cleric-Valkyrie of Thor!

1 1

RPG Fact The scaling of Gold Cost for Magical Items works best if you don't think about it too hard.

22 57

RPG Fact Your players will spend an inordinate amount of time flirting at the bar.

14 25

RPG Fact Even the best of plans ultimately boils down to, "Kill it! Kill it Faster!"

16 52

RPG Fact The only thing worse than a Miss, is a wasted Hit.

28 73

RPG Fact The single most effective motivating factor to a PC is Greed.

14 37

RPG Fact Managing your Party's resources is 90% realizing that NPCs are a renewable resource.

4 12

Few models sculpted by and currently being 3D Printed at . Can't wait to see them!

3 17

RPG Fact The more you need to roll a Hit the more you will roll a Miss.

38 68

RPG Fact The Best encounters revolve around one player's failure to understand the encounter fully.

15 38