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The Greys from Orion are distinctly different from the Zetas in the elongated shape of their skulls. This specific grey is from a star in the Orion belt👽👽👽

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SKY GODZ main Anunnaki cast Enki, Enlil and Nin in front of their long suffering planet Nibiru. One reason they came to earth was to mine precious metals to protect their homeworld.

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My digital painting tribute to the 50th celebration of THE PLANET OF THE APES film! Cheers and keep your paws of me you ddapes!

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Edgar Casey prophesized that the Atlanteans had used crystal energy in worldly as well as for spiritual purposes. True free energy!

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Reptoid aliens are often seen in conjunction with humanoids and greys in alien abductions. But they also common place in the mythologies of the world like the Nagas in Asia.

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Over 70 years ago Kenneth Arnold had an encounter with flying saucers that looked just in like this drawing. This started the modern age of ufos

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The Space Brothers-our extraterrestrial friends were a common theme among the 1950's contactee movement. They came in flying saucers from Venus and warned about nuclear and ecological desasters.

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So we're going to tmrw in where we'll have all kinds of goodies like our newest Surgeon comics that come with a sweet poster like this


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Old speedie that popped up in FB memories yesterday. Every now and then I see something I did from a few years ago that doesn't totally turn my stomach haha.

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The lightbeings from the Lyra constellation are considered the original founder race of life on many planets for billion of years. They are also very influential in the Galactic Federation.

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The third leading member of the opressive Orion Empire is Oris, an elder grey from the Rigel system in Orion.

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Si je vous dis "Intelligence Artificelle", vous pensez à quelles œuvres de ? (tous médias confondus)

C'est pour une prochaine pour être bien certaine de ne pas trop en oublier 😉

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Beg-Tse, is the leader of the Ciakars, a large Draco race which are also part of the evil Orion Empire that declared war on the Galactic Federation

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Maria Orsic was the leader of a fictional 1920s secret spiritual society called the Vril society. She claimed to be in contact with beings from Aldebaran. Drawing of Maria and the Vril Odin disc.

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a tidier (maybe?) version for the robot i posted before (p2)
.... and some random practices😀
btw, ready player one is awwwweeeesome!!
all the changes comparing the novel is quite cool XD

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