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The Tuatha Dé Danann (people of the goddess Dana) are a supernatural race in Irish mythology. Are those aliens or beings form other dimensions that entered our world through a portal?

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Anubis the embalmer who guides the souls of the dead to the Duat, the afterlife, and eventually back to Sirius is a major character in the SKY GODZ series.

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The Greys are one of the most "popular" and reconizable races and are commonly associated with what could be considered aliens in pop-culture. 👽👽👽

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Not someBODY you expected to see in this CASSIOPEIA QUINN update? Well, say hi, anyway!

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The Anunnaki created the "Homo Sapiens" by genetically manipulating the DNA of the local hominid population with their own gene pool. But they were not the first seed race on earth

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personal practice on photobarsh
a robot which can absorb the light and create a power filed reflecting the light and make the object behind it invisible. maybe will make linework for this idea, not sure~

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Stonehenge, the prehistoric monument in Wishire, England, had most likely a bit of help in its construction from our alien friends. Don't you think so?

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heading off to watch this afternoon!
practice on photobash, quite a thrilling experience
not sure whether it's okay to use images from google if it's only for practice..

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Abu-Kash-Kar is the keeper of the Akashic Library of the universe stored as pure energy in the Crystal Records. He knows all universal knowledge that ever was, is, and will be.

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self reflection while doing this concept stuff for communication robot in , the more i do the more i realize i got a long way to catch up..

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The Mantis aliens are the main ambassadors for the Galactic Federation with headquarters on Sirius B. The will appear in SKY GODS S1/E4...

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- Let’s take the ultimate trip! Celebrating in April, is more relevant than ever: https://t.co/zp3qooPW2W (#71magazine p56). Bonus: Check out the trippy sequence: https://t.co/ggNT29mKaY 🛰

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Valdar, from the planet Koldas was first seen in South Africa by a teenager. Koldas is a major planet in an alternate dimension. The Koldasians are also part of the Galactic Federation.

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The Greys are often reported in alien abduction experiences. Wouldn't you be scared if this face would stare at you in the middle of the night? I know I would 👽👽#aliens

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The Nordic Tall Whites from Aldebaran have been wildly encountered going back almost a full century. Do they have bases under Antarctica?

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The wheel in the skies over Mars is the key to opening the portals to other galaxies...it is also known as a Stargate....

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