I remember when they gave us 10 free sparking assist tickets, which was 2 summons but with the UI Goku format, just for beating the Challenge Rush. Those were the days. via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/z2hteiNeDj

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YEL Perfect Cell is the first unit to get quintuple Zenkai buffs (Android 18, Final Form Frieza, Piccolo, Demon King Piccolo, Goku Black) via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/qpsbDGlsuf

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Win screens you probably never saw - Raspberry via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/wAUIrivB54

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Hey guys! Here is a Goku X Pikachu edit I made! Hope you like it! via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/Z471axNFL5

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MUI Goku LF - card and render made by me‼️ (swipe for secondary art) drop requests in the comments. via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/2DknamRsR7

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The state of the game is sad, but nothing is sadder than the fact this guy is the only Sparking to ever receive a balance change AND a Zenkai and still remain trash. via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/e1GWIAViQI

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Happy Black History Month via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/YcfSXTOddw

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When I see 'clear in X timer counts' and RR damage challenges via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/6MMgkSiQab

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I think that ssj2 would look great on Gogeta via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/fCJBQLoPIU

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Some sketches for my future artworks! And i have more coming, such as 4 commissions i'll show once they're ready. (Considering i've had these saved for a while and never.. well, showed it. Ahah..) Hope you enjoy these!

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Time for the Future Fusion to end the androids :D meet Future Vegehan Super Saiyan

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FUSION REBORN FAN-MADE POSTER! via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/sd2j9vbQe7

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Launch with the drip👀 via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/Rj12XwQHZb

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New commissions Free commissions for 2021 I hope you Guy's enjoy my work and everything I done for everyone by supporting them I'll do my best to help out the community

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I made a training suit Vegeta made out of shapes for an art project and thought i would share it. ITs called mosaic for those that are interested in the style. via /r/DragonballLegends https://t.co/GL5Yr71W87

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