Credit to for the original Copen copium tank

34 91

ok buddy go ahead and present me with some of this neocolonialism that's destroying Japanese culture

Hard mode: don't use Gunvolt, Dragon Maid, FE Fates, Prison School, BotW, or other generally reviled translations that literally nobody defends.

0 1


26 90

なるほど、本日は ですか
パティシエ こだわりの逸品
アスロック 作って お菓子 食べたいなぁ~

3 14

Gunvolt special move inspired images, I may turn this into commissions in the near future XP So who knows look out for them!

Also if you want to support me, feel free to check out my Patreon @

Thank you ^^

13 26



2 1

"Eat Fresh"
Vespa ( from Luminous Avenger Ix2 )

18 61

英語タイトルだとGUNVOLT CHRONICLESが付いたままなのな

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20 60

guess who had a shit meme idea at 11 pm

9 38

For reference on the style of light armor I am going for, lots of Future Fantasy/Scifi styles could work, though some ways to get an idea of what I want would be to look at concept art for Azure Stiker Gunvolt and Phantasy Star Online.

0 4

Put simply, I would like to get a new reference for this character made, however, I would also like to redo their equipment to look more future fantasy styled (think stuff like Phantasy Star Online 2 and Azure Striker Gunvolt).

0 1

Get ready for an electrifying cross-over! Dusk Diver 2's Yang Yumo is coming to Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 as a guest boss fight, available Februrary 24th!

Defeat her to receive the D Burst ability, giving Copen's Bullit Dash a gauge even outside of Overdrive!

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【告知】『#白き鋼鉄のX(イクス) 2』と『#COGEN: 大鳥こはくと刻の剣』(発売元:ジェムドロップ株式会社)とのコラボ企画である、DLC来訪ボス『大鳥こはく』の発売日が決定!なんと、本日(2022年2月10日)発売です!【価格800円(税込)】

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