DEM BOIS!! Never drew them before so I wanted to give them a try, lineart done traditionally colours done digitally

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I made a small thing,,, it's free to use no need to credit (much appreciated tho)

I know it's not always easy.
But you got this.
You can do it.

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✨🌟Some motivation drawings i made for mid terms!! I know it’s too late to post these lol but here!! (1/?)🌟✨

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reigen is the hottest anime man alive and you cant tell me otherwise 😳 also shigeo doesnt condone smoking and so do i please kids save your lungs

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Here have some good ol Serirei because they’re my fave as of now they’re so heckin pure. Also, I love drawing Serizawa he’s such a softie 🥰

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Winter esper boys ❄️ It’s cold today, so I wanted to draw them in some winter wear!

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Started off as a doodle cause I just wanted to draw Teru bc he’s pretty but then Mob sorta just happened too?? They’re so precious though

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