For I wanted to share the games that inspired me to be an FarCry Instincts level editor, Halo 3 Forge, Little Big Planet, and MGS2!

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Here are my top 4 favorite video games of all time! What are yours?

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For I've recently picked up Melty Blood. I've been interested in fighting games for over a year now so wish me luck! ☺️🎮

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So I'd like to list just a couple of games that are some of my all time faves

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Happy Here's some of my favorites I've played recently (including a game I got on the Steam Summer Sale)!

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Here are some of my favorite underrated / less talked about games!

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Happy What are your favorite scifi video games?

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Gmorning everyone! so I guess I'll share some of my all time favs!

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Happy Forever thankful for Tomb Raider and my childhood hero and inspiration Lara Croft 💙

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Since it’s
My King and Queen 👑 👑

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Let's do an art share!

♡ Share your game
-concept art
-any links

♡ Like & Share this & everyones work

♡ Start conversations with everyone too!

☆ Indie devs need to support eachother! ☆

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Happy my wonderful gamers. Take this chance to respectfully gush about your favourite games and franchises !!

Never stop playing my friends ❤🎮

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Today is ! If you need something new to play, here's some of my favorite indie titles ever (they're all on sale on Steam atm)

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It's so time to retweet a bunch of video game related things I did and probably get ratio'd for polluting a trending tag with fetish art :D

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There was once a time when I would snidely say "you couldn't pay me to play Fortnite."

Today I'm literally getting paid to play Fortnite.

Prey for me, I'm doing it for the kids.

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The art, gameplay, and story of the series are amazing. Although at times the story can be cheesy, I still love it very much! This series has gotten me through rough times and had a big impact on my art. Thank you Nomura!! 🙏💕🗝

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It's 🎮
This is our favorite CryptantCrab, the Batman Crab (Obsidian, ahem). What is your favorite crab?
Let us know in the comments below!

Play now:

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Aunque es algo tarde aqui esta!
Por el quise recordar mi primer videojuego que jugué y pase en forma (SuperMarioBros si fue el primero pero lamentablemente no era mio y nunca lo jugué mas que un par de veces)
fue mi primer juego y lo amo♡ ...

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