These were my favs
Also Honerable mention to SoC Chapter 55 I think, the one with the big death scene. Well Ziegs art for that was good enough to get a feel out of a guy who otherwise found the scene groan worthy.

4 12

Hey !! Just Incase any twitter people are interested!!!! I’m Frankenfurter in IADTs ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW. The show is next Wednesday and Thursday in Dun Laoghaire in IADT and the IADT drama soc is taking ticket reservations ;) please come, it’s going to be amazing

6 15

.. What. The. Fuck.
I love the colors, this is incredible 😭

0 8

Començo una col·laboració amb la .Soc molt feliç!!! Recordo comprar el número 00 per aquella addicció a comprar revistes-que-potser-no-llegiràs-mai-però-com-mola-com-estan-fetes. I 77 números més tard hi apareixo a dins! I•lustro l’article de l’

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9 20

Portraits keep getting lit

SOC boy Serabellum on Faber view

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Cayin N8 マイクロフォニックノイズ除けに Nutubeをサスペンションで浮かしてあるのね
SoCはIngenic X1000か

6 10

another luci in soc aaa

0 1

It's today.
The anticipation is killer.
I hope that I'll catch it on time.
Truly, I'm happy you finally got a SOC Gipsy.

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Did some portraits for random peeps on /soc/ - I'm looking for a new place at the moment which is consuming much of my focus but there is more art on the horizon!

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The only thing u deserve is love. Nothing but love ❤️❤️❤️💐

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I'm glad to be with you since the beginning. 🌹🌹🌹
I never felt in love with a group so fast and deep. I'm glad that I can call myself a 'ROSE' and that you appreciate all of us so much. 🤗

Happy One Year

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"The creation of A-Da(y)m" 👼

His pic was too hilarious, so I decided too transform him into Adam.
My skills came alive again! 🌹🌹🌹

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• Day 1 • Dark Jack, from SoC

In honor for Jack's Birthday this coming February 7, I'm gonna be doing this little event/challenge that I came up~

So enjoy what I've got in store for this week!

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Our watercolour workshop is now full, but the good news - there are still spaces left at Darren's talk & demo at SOC HQ this Sat at 7pm for 7.30pm. £6 (£4 SOC members), incl. refreshments. See for full details

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