It's a little early, but tomorrow will be a busy day! 🍂🦃 I am so for my students, present colleagues, past colleagues, and online PLN who every day help me grow and learn as an educator! Happy Thanksgiving!

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The convocation was held in Putrajaya International Convention Center (PICC). If I’m not mistaken, convos were usually held in GMI itself but since our batch has A LOT of students, they had to find somewhere else and honestly, I’m glad they chose this place

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The show sure does have a thing for sixes, doesn't it?

Six elements, six main characters, six students, six friendship keys, six Pillars of Equestria, etc.

I'm calling it: season nine will have six princesses.

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They're bad students, Alphys

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We're pleased to be one of the many organizations involved in "a new citywide initiative designed to provide opportunities for students, families and community members to connect through literature..." Learn more from :

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"For LGBTQ+ students, hearing stories told by people with real empathy can be hugely empowering." explains why visibility in books is essential...

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Junior Skeptic magazine is 20 years old! It is tipped into the back of every issue of Skeptic magazine & now we've made them all available as PDFs. Check it out. Great for kids, students, parents, teachers & even adults!

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This artwork is a collaboration between , & that centers the voices of students directly impacted by gun laws. All language and creative direction came from the students, lead by & . Are you voting to end gun violence?

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The second "Mudboots" episode is live! interviews
two Sacramento Unified School District students, Matt Garber & Anton Knepprath, who experienced the impact of under 's tenure as superintendent.

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Two rainbow loom bracelets, two coloring sheets, multiple board games played, loads of small-group convos with students, and fall Conference Childcare is officially complete.

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Bus Stop Installations via . Deadline: October 18th. Artists will be paid $1000 for their participation. A unique collaboration between Mayor’s Star Council, DISD high school students, DART, and a local Dallas community.

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Our High Low fiction is full of gripping, age-appropriate stories, that are specially designed for students, reluctant readers and pupils with EAL. Authors include , and !

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I’m currently working on a blog post called ‘What I Wish I’d Known When I Started My Art History Degree’. It’s aimed at new students, particularly those from a background non-traditional to art history. What tips would you like me to add?

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Practicing hands for my upcoming workshop in Lindale Texas next week. Hands! Oh hands why are you SO hard😩 I swear I should do a hundred of these and then I might understand something about hands. Note to my students, I won’t make you do hands😉😂😂it’s…

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Hi 😊 This week over 12 million students, teachers and communities are celebrating and making our mark on the world. Can you please create a Dot Day Bitmoji for all of us to use? ❤️❤️❤️ Please RT

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Are you thinking about applying to Art School? Bring along your portfolio for expert advice and guidance during the Open to all young or old. Saturday 11am-1pm: |

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Welcome back to our dedicated students, some fantastic work produced over the summer

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I made a little animation based off of a real life experience.
My friend used to host Japanese Exchange students, so he'd take them to baseball games. The F.E.S were more interested in the guy who shot free hotdogs out of a cannon, This is what I pictured

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w/ and his trusty ukelele 11.9.18 7-9pm, only £12 on the door or at Materials provided by £10 for students, reg disabled and jobseekers for all abilities

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The is excited to announce an exciting new collaborative opportunity in history. Please share with colleagues, associates, students, and friends!

All are welcome!

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