Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.
– A. B. Johnson ink

1 12

I challenge myself to draw every members of
I start with (the eldest and the leader)
Rt&like if you love my artwork 🙆
will follow
📣S Coups lovers over here📣

11 30

"I understand some...adjustments...are required in Amber Heights."
-- Curate Amelia, with her custom T&L long-arm, "Damnatio Memoriae"

...finally have an idea of who to play in my eventual "Board Ending" playthrough.

0 3

Happy mid-Autumn Festive
~~ Yuzu, 紅柚

10 42

Such a beautiful song dearest Reenie. I love your Mom.I'm holding you&your daughter in Light&Love Divine Always Present &pray for healing of your daughter. I know is possible. May your whole family be Encompassed in Blessings of Divine Presence Within you all!🌷❣❤❣🙏❣❤❣🌷

0 1

Header for

20 39

❣️ Taki Global Project ❣️

Upcoming K-Subway Ad 🚉

We organized an Ad project in Korea to show our support&love for Taki.

$1 = 1 Coffee

But any amount is appreciated!🎉
If you can help us click the link below to donate 🥰

https://t.co/hjd46HDMqR https://t.co/ZTm0JDNVYC

15 48

Avi for @ hibiki01824410

rt&like please!

5 13

Avi for @ yoizakura_3

plz RT&LIKE!

6 8

Header for リア友
Pls RT&like!!

3 7


plz rt&like

315 1021

Pls RT&like!!

1 5

Sold-for only $5000.00 with free shipping-oh wait so you don’t want to buy it! Then how about the painting? Just kidding i gave to my best friend 🙌. Seriously-NO 1want’s to buy my art. Today I’m having an art&Lemonade stand&i’ve sold all the lemonade-so i got that goin for me🤦‍♀️

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Jd pengangguran tu butuh biaya n gaenak mau minta sm ortu karna kebutuhan rumah jg banyak hikdd🤧

31 38

RT&Like are very appreciated💞
Hello everyone! I open commission for turning your character into anime style, or drawing anime fanart. You can check the list of price in the picture.
The payment is through PayPal/Payoneer/DANA/OVO/LinkAja/pulsa
Please DM me if you interested😘

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The cartoonist Polnareff and his assistant&lover.

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A yellow orchid with closed lips does await a happy bee to dance on them so that it's wings can gather it's pollen so it becomes pregnant with new flower life ~Yuzu, Truffle

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plz RT&like

16 35