new series! this is a kaldorei native to val'sharah. she's very old like the zone and very focused on tradition. If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasnt intentional

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I have just realized I never posted my OC Valentines here and I must reCTIFY THIS
Team Jerel will go first o:
I was legit proud of some of these puns, especially Jerel's Prince one =v= Val's was just a gimme and...I'm actually not sure if Apolda's counts as a pun :x

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More sharkies heading this way! 🦈I guess costumes are fitting considering that carneval's only a few days away. I'm going to flee the city for the weekend but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the colorful side of this crazy big party. 🙃

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BUT Val's found new love in Dani (Summit V3 - 14) who's different from Kay in so many ways. For the first time in a long time Val feels light again. But Dani's got some secrets of her own so we'll have to see what 's got planned for them!

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So Val's had some great loves in her life: science, space, and then there was Kay who died during The Event that gave Val her powers (Summit V1 # 1-4). After Val has struggled w grief over Kay, and has never forgotten how important Kay was to her. 😭😭

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As the mysteries behind the alien conspiracy and Val's powers come to a head, Val's unlikely ally, Major Tom, reveals an ace up his sleeve that Lorena is desperate for.
Summit No. 14 is available for preorder now!

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its pretty late to post this... i should draw val's wife more, Sonia

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Have you seen this? It's a fantastic fantasy adventure indie comic! My friend Val is the writer/artist and has set up this kickstarter! Look at it! (Art is Val's -

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This is the Facebook event to join us for the opening of the wonderful Joana Escoval's solo show next Tuesday, 15 January, from 7pm >>>

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When you think you might've caught feelings for your self proclaimed rival's little brother

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[leans in very close to the mic] So who wants to hear my conspiracy theory about the Pokémon Let's Go rival's true parentage

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Someone stopped by to drop this off to me with some new pages for Val's story in this arc and I might be a little in love with Val's new love interest. Big news, she appears in issue 11 (which you can pre-order now) but first, issue 10 comes out Nov 21st aka next week!

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Akko: I can't just sit idly by while my rival's running away!
Diana: *leaves*

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[GBF] DRAGON KNIGHTS OUTFITS ARE BACK ON GBF.... I just bought Percival's (I didn't have him in my party when it last came around) 😂🙏🙏

P: Pireze

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Happy Halloween everyone🎃! Halloween means also.. the beginning of November.. & South Ken Kids Festival time😍🖍️💕!! We are still looking for lovely volunteers. Don't hesitate & follow 's friends in the festival's volunteer team! Contact ✍️

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Made some concept art for the game demo's enemy character, your rival's AI, Prometheus.

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