a mikurin doodle of them with the two outfits that I wore today bc I thought they'd look cute in them

45 138

tw // blood ??

i regret doing this but hanahaki won the poll and i had to

26 126

and I'm wondering, would you be my little quarantine, or is this the way it ends?

31 131

pspspsps come here mikurin fans pspspsps

0 3

Diário de Quarentena - Dia 149:

Depois de altas gambiarra, consegui terminar minha arte pra do

Tomem esses Bakurinha fofinho <3

2 16

rin, sweetie that's not how you're supposed to flirt..

82 312

i'm also just super tired from trying to fix everything because it all happened at once yesterday. Here's a MikuRin in the meantime though 💙

56 212

Menitkö haastamaan Makoan? Ei olisi kannattanut, sillä tänään 4 vuotta Paladinsissa juhlistava ikiaikainen ystävämme on haka ankkurinsa käsittelyssä.

Paladins Suomi onnittelee Makoaa merkkipäivän johdosta!


2 5

i should be sleeping rn but who cares have more rinku

15 82

did i just draw them as young adults who are probably married already?

yes i totally did

26 85

i did the twitter thing

42 241

Warmup of a young Krall-Kurin

This is just after her 2nd hunt. She took the scars she got from this day and got red tattoos over them so she'd have a reminder beyond the scarred flesh (which healed lighter)

She was also the only survivor

3 9

sometimes miku can give off a "cool" aura, but always turns into a puppy when rin is around

24 110