Take a look at these beautiful details!! They're almost like mirrors! Nath and Marcs special solo print is even signed by them in holo ink. 🌈

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2005 - Multiverse Edition (Earth-1610)

Alternative, but also Marc Spector! Witness the Ultimate Moon Knight!

Firstly drawn by Mark Bagley, Scott Hanna and J.D. Smith.

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art by Marc Silvestri
colors by Thomas Mason

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Nath and Marc on their lunch date together as seen in 'Guilt trip'🥗❤

Nath!!! stealing Marcs ONLY TOMATO. 🦹‍♂️🍅

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Kitty boi for my buddy

Had lots if fun doing this and really digging the new techniques I'm playing with lately ^_^

Thank you Marcs for this wonderful idea!

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(1995) Pencils, Story Near the Azores, a U.S. Navy submarine finds the wreckage of a crashed spaceship from which it recovers an object projecting the image of a being named Izon. https://t.co/7PylDwFnHo

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今週マリンFM【#Bookmarcs Radio Marine Café】で、番組恒例コーナー《Best Hitあの頃》にGuest出演した の鈴木氏👏ほぼ同世代的にニュー“エイジ”から“ウエイヴ”まで音楽的過渡期を否応なしに互い経たからか、重みもつ選曲と納得感。今後も“解説付”で『恵の思い出の1曲』に期待やむなく📻 https://t.co/qmzuVR82nY

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Venus reimagined ©2021
With as the god of love. 💘

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sherry and islay are marcs no kids, double income, lesbian aunts who unleash gift pandemonium on all of her birthdays

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Valentine Dayで迎えた日曜の朝💝贈物は【#Bookmarcs Radio Marine Café】の再放送から心地よい“Rhythm Guitar”の楽曲👏Guitarを手にした70s終盤、まだFolk世代なりにGuitarに託したのはMessage的要素で、やがて80sにMelody志向になるも技法が未熟で、90sのNeo Acoブーム時は羨望で随分嘆いてました😩 https://t.co/wPSvSV8Bcc

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今週の【#Bookmarcs Radio Marine Café】のテーマは《2曲目はお好き》❓例えばJ.D.Salingerの短編小説集『Nine Stories』で、初っぱなの「Bananafish」よりも2話目の「Uncle Wiggily」の方が最高だった故に読み切れた様に、Albumも2曲目の耳通りの良し悪しが作品の全体をも左右し得る大事を知れた感📻 https://t.co/bdRXykvQCl

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in 1948, MARC SINGER gets a Happy Birthday from us today!

Brother of actress he’s best known for and sci-fi 80s classic

Did you know he was also in a 1974 TV episode of

style by TDO

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BiFold Extra Art
Exilium by Cloud9 Comix

Written by: Ben Slabak
Illustrated by: Salomon Farias
Coloured by: Marc Sintes

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Exilium Season 1 by Cloud9 Comix

Written by: Ben Slabak
Illustrated by: Salomon Farias
Coloured by: Marc Sintes
Cover by: Salomon Farias

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今夜20時から!横浜マリンFM(86.1)にてブクラジです✨ 「昔はピンとこなかったんだけど、今は最高だーと思う曲」特集♫「誰デモ!サウンドクリエイター」コーナーもありますよん♫リスラジで全国聴取可。是非聴いてくださいねー(近)。


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今週の【#Bookmarcs Radio Marine Café/マリンFM】は先週に次いでFLY HIGH RECORDS 氏を迎え《新春お茶会》☕本年度の音楽シーンを占う選曲ではインドネシアのRainych、B.Bacharach、浦上想起と、“ボーダレス化/新旧老若”と言った混迷閉塞の時代を象徴する興味深いKey Wordを示してくれた📻 https://t.co/SgIKNiKJlq

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2021年もThe Bookmarcsならびにブクラジを宜しくお願い致します!早速明日朝7時半から、いつものように再放送(マリンFM86.1)📻2020年のThe Bookmarcsの活動を振り返ります(生演奏有)。リスラジで全国聴取可。お正月も早起きして是非聴いてね♫(近)#ブクラジ

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2020 X'masはArtistらが贈る音源で一杯①


『A Place Of Love』(配信)

『Cold & Warm wintern』(配信)
『Harmony hatch memoire』(CDR) https://t.co/JF16W8wE47

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暮れ深まる昨晩の /#長門芳郎 両氏が贈る音楽ラジオ番組【ようこそ へ】は 《X'mas Song特集》🎄時季相応、X'mas定番楽曲への多様な感性でArtistらの感性を魅る名盤も良いが 嬢や らの新たな聖歌も新年への希望を告げるべく合図、鈴の音で正にJingle Bellだ⛄ https://t.co/prw8GhSbfu

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