Since "Old Master Drawings Week" 2 SECTIONS-LEFT most significant High Renaissance Drawings discovered recent times by Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) (1483–1520) "Rv" Monograms 1."Hercules"circa1503-9 compared other figures-2,"Youth Study"Circa 1509 Rome-Michelangelo used same Model

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"La bellezza delle cose esiste nella mente che le contempla" (Hume)
🎨#arte "La Fornarina", un altro dei capolavori di Raffaello in visita a

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Cupid and the Three Graces

Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
Villa Farnesina (Rome, Italy)

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Drawings on my travels this week ‘cosy bisque’ ‘feeling together’ ‘Raffaela’s sigh’ and ‘Explorer of the East c.1901’

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Da secoli, immerso nella luce, l'uomo ritratto da Raffaellino del Garbo (1495ca) incrocia silenzioso i nostri effimeri sguardi incantati.

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Artist Ambrogio Raffaele appears often in Sargent's Swiss & Italian works in the 1910s, emphasising their shared love for art en plein air.

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Raffaela Benvenuto discusses Italian fairies here: Art by Warwick Goble.

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