KUNSTENAAR OP REIS - pakt uit met een zich wassende onvolwassen blauwe kiekendief

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A história é que a Befana indicou o caminho certo aos Reis Magos em sua jornada, mas quando a chamaram pra que ela acompanhasse, ela não foi. Depois ela se arrependeu, e hoje ela distribuiu presentes para crianças, na esperança que uma delas seja a que ela não conseguiu ver.

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KUNSTENAAR OP REIS vervangt Na 18 jaar trouwe dienst zijn oude telescoop. Altijd even wennen, maar op de Texelse vogelboulevard meteen de eerste test succesvol uitgevoerd. Hier is tie dan, nog even vogel van het jaar: de wulp!

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Just one more day before Memories on the Shoreline launches! Will you spend more time with Brennan?

🍦 Artist: reis
🎣 Wishlist it: https://t.co/ABllbot0Id

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Sinema - ar/on
Zone Rogue - ar/on
Bad Penny- ar/on
Lloer -
Tynnu Ymlaen - ar/on
Paid Rhoi'r Botel i Fi - Pwdin Reis

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The Secret is Out in Superman on sale Dec 11th from , Ivan Reis, &

PREVIEW: https://t.co/JVQqpl5Iu4

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Missed a day on the countdown but we want to show the art anyway! Featured art by Roberto Reis and Gaston! The launch is in 4 days not 5!

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KUNSTENAAR OP REIS – doet dagje Diepholz: “ Kaffee mit Kuchen in Vechta - kraanvogels An der Dadau - Imbiss Wagenfeld – kraanvogels Neustadter Geestmoor – broodje in de berm – kraanvogels Rehder Geestmoor”. Volgend jaar maar weer...

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Today I’m going to share from a 17C copy of Piri Reis’ Kitab-Bahriye, a collection of information about various islands and coastlines in Here, for example, are the coastlines by (Tavuk Island), that of and

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Per mi només aquests tres reis em mereixen respecte.

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Amazing art 😻..Deadman is one of those minor DC characters that always had the best artists working on his series. Neal Adams of course defined him, Ivan Reis drew an amazing Deadman..but always floored by Jose Garcia-Lopez Deadman 🤯 1/2

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so i redid reis face and i was like "this looks familiar" and i Realized

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dia 17: Michael Jackson - Bad X Steve Magal

Quando dois reis da cultura pop e grandes atores se juntam numa só imagem

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펜슬러 Ivan Reis 슈퍼맨 좋아함

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Today's Goodle Doodle in Brazil features the abolitionist and famous black female author and educator Maria Firmina dos Reis, who wrote the 1859 abolitionist novel Úrsula. The illustration celebrating her life and work was created by artist Nik Neves.

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Se você fizer agora uma busca no Google Imagens por Maria Firmina dos Reis, encontrará muitas versões desta foto, de uma mulher branca.

Esta não é Maria Firmina, mas Maria Benedita Bormann (1853-1895), uma escritora gaúcha.

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O Doodle (do Google) de hoje é em homenagem a Maria Firmina dos Reis, a primeira mulher negra a publicar um romance em todos os países de língua portuguesa.

Uma curiosidade: não existe foto dela.

E a foto que costuma ser atribuída a ela é de uma mulher... branca.

Segue o fio.

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