//=time() ?>
1) Box adjusted to share the buildings' horizon and vanishing point.
2) Buildings adjusted to share the box's horizon but not the box's VP (assuming they face diff directions).
3) Buildings adjusted to box's horizon; box adjusted to share buildings' VP (facing same direction). https://t.co/tn6EApV0rJ
Estudo sobre imagem gerada por IA / Hand painted study of AI generated image | Fake views | Paisagens / Landscapes | 235-90-14 | Acrílico + Papelão | 24x22 cm | Jan 2020 #pinturas #paisagens #fakeviews #algorithm #GAN #tuliofagim #landscape #art #ai #ia #vanishingpoint #fuga
vanishing rasengan is my fav jutsu because it is created by boruto not any boomer ninja😂. what's your fav move from any new gen boruto character ?👀
The Best Shows I watched this year for the first time are #MyHeroAcademia S1-S3, #NeoRanga, #ReadOrDieTV and #RestaurantToAnotherWorld. Also notable are #GaroVanishingLine and #HighScoreGirl.
Meet Esmeralda Aginthrope from our upcoming @magicleap game, Glimt: The Vanishing at the Grand Starlight Hotel. She hasn't been working at the hotel for very long, but she's already causing trouble... https://t.co/5HBItVdDsz #MagicLeapOne #IndieCreatorProgram
Markosia Mailing #95 - Alpha Gods, Life Cycle, Vanishing Woods and more! https://t.co/QRDbGpZJVC
Vanishing Winter | الشتاء المتلاشي ❄️ . . ،
YouTube: https://t.co/INSxwcWWwi
, #رسم #رسامين #art #artist #photography #winter
冬コミは12月30日(3日目)のM19b「VANISHING POINT」です。新刊は『BLOOD ALONE Another Nights 4』B5・32pになります。利き手のトラブルなどで一部再録となっておりますが、よろしくお願いします!
🍃 Transparent; not only what's not visible; what about what's not being seen?.. what's vanishing?
If nourished, could it exist like a real thing? Even if it's not that palpable just yet?
#drawing #art #onthego
Today on the bus. I want to believe https://t.co/XJbLZihwCe
Our @RubyCosmos has a book coming out from @obversebooks very soon! VANISHING TALES OF THE CITY is on its way, featuring Iris Wildthyme, members of Faction Hollywood, and more in the City of the Saved:
There are 5 different vanishing points on this view of Piltover in my newest chapter of Viktor comic!
#artoflegends #leagueoflegends
「Modification of Key Sounds Label VOL.2」に参加しました!✨
Disc3 Tr.09
ZHIEND - Vanishing Day (Getty Remix)
#C97 #C97VA #Key20th https://t.co/NaXUv142ZC
12/12(木)『Vanishing Joint VIII』
▸19:00~Last Train
※チケット予約 https://t.co/79MrbysLC6
Taro Aiko
Che Que
and more
Mai (@MaileaStera) doesn't throw a hissy fit about hecklers; a purrfessional never loses her cool laughter all. She invites them on stage and with a dramatic
✨ Abra-Cadobra! ✨
snakes the magic show into a vanishing act!
🎨 @goattrain
#ZTTinyTails #Sizetwitter #macromonday
Buono!が気になった人はまず、「ゆび祭り」の【初恋サイダー】で鈴木愛理の歌い出しにザワついて欲しいし、「Pienezza!」の【消失点-Vanishing Point-】で夏焼雅の歌姫オーラに圧倒されて欲しいし、どのLIVEでも良いので【Independent Girl】で嗣永桃子のギャップと歌声と目線に貫かれて欲しい。
VANISHING TALES OF THE CITY from @obversebooks is almost here! Check out @RubyCosmos taking on Iris Wildthyme, Faction Paradox, Señor 105, and more... well, SHE'S not taking them on. You know.
Pre-order: https://t.co/hTOTcfKGug
ソード (CV:関智一)
「GARO VANISHING LINE」の主人公。魔戒騎士の最高位「黄金騎士ガロ」の称号を持つ。普段はバカなことして呆れられたりもするけど、年長者らしく締めるべき所は締める大人の部分は最高に格好良い!(好き)