started doodling one of my farmers, zoned out and got carried away

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I was trying to remember why PaPa emblazoned on the clothing of the tired dad friend felt so familiar

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T-shirt Tuesday! Made this one for no one else but myself cuz I'm literally the only person who cares about the 1988 Taito Arcade Player 2 Superman enough to have him emblazoned on my chest kicking a space luchadore in the jimmies.

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Guess I can share this now?

Something I zoned out on & did for a warm-up a few days ago, mostly because I still have a lot to learn about making pleasing designs and it was good practice regardless

Roseilorns (c) @/tetsumiro

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he looks like he zoned out too hard lmao

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Title: Our Omega Leadernim
Author: Minji

friendzoned brozoned sonzoned
TRIPLE KILL si jungkook- i mean si Seunggyo !! HAHAHAHA

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A few hours later I realise how fucked up the anatomy on my Icon was. I edited it with my finger on my phone 😔 Fellow artists!! Always eat and rest!! Or you’ll be zoned out and create an abomination!! (This is the edited version I’m not brave enough to keep the other one up)

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14) Harumi Taniguchi -

Harumin is easily my favorite character in all of Citrus. Not only is she cool as hell, she's smokin' hot too. Who can complain about that? Oh, and if I were to be friendzoned by any character on this list, I'd choose her. She's a great friend.

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You are now entering the Twilight Zoned 😀👍🙌👌 Only for a limited time!!

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so glad i have the krusty krab logo emblazoned on my boob

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i first played SDV when it was a fresh release say before Shane was a marriage option and my very first file i knew he was the only one for me and i had full hearts with him regardless... thoroughly friendzoned 😔 all this by way of saying i drew a Shane

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"I'm known as something different to the folks of this area..."
So I ZONED (haha!) out while listening to and ended up drawing Indrid until 2:30 am!!! Oops! All Mothman!

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直前なのでお品書き再度。12/29 一日目西よ-29a 「BLUETONE」、新刊「Re: GORGE」、既刊の青本持ち込みます。委託にマビノギと黒バス、創作BLあります。ペーパー間に合ったので無配してると思いますので是非お立ち寄りください 二日目は東フ-44b「zoned-out Loser」にてゲーム系頒布物を委託予定です

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委託分に追加が出たので若干お品書きも追加です。zoned-out Loserの黒バス新刊(表紙はSHOさん)も一緒に置きますので一日目興味ある方は是非。夏の一冊目(の続編になります。また眼鏡拭きはこんな感じの(出るに出てない)青本関係のモチーフの柄になります(画像三枚目)

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Zoned out and sketched out the rough for this, then decided to finish it up. I don’t know who she is, but I like her.

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Commissions are currently OPEN:

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Bleh, so I couldn't come up with anything to draw, so I just kinda zoned out and drew some tentacles in a little study. I suppose studies are good ways to draw, but not to dedicate a ton to a something near finished.

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