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'Invader Zim' TV Movie | Storyboarding and Animatic Editing Phases Complete This Weekend; Two New Sneak Peeks | - https://t.co/9Rw5zPDe77

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Nuevo cuerpo , una ropa inspirada en invasor zim. Aun me aun no me acostumbro del todo, creo que estoy mejorando al dibujar en el iPad.

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Here’s in a Gir mechsuit that shoots hotdogs. You’re welcome.

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Creo que cuando son las 2 o 4 de mañana creo que dibujo mucho mejor de lo que imaginaba XD. Como sea creo que Demencia es la unica que tiene mas color y sombra y la que me gusto y tamien el "Gir Black Hat"

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Pues ¿Que decir? Estaba aburrida y al final termine creándome una Irksona, disfruten(?)

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What if Tallest’s used insults that they didn’t understand?

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GIR is my spirit animal/robot

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Even during the beginning stages of their tallest’s training they fought. Yellow will almost always... scratch that, always fail when fighting Blue.

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A tired, stressed and angry boi. “Proof” that I can do soft shading too.

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invader and I thought that the tallests would have escaped their training by climbing to high places when they were still in training. Since they hated each other when they first met, this was the first step into a long loving relationship.

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SeaBug’s side of the art trade. Look at him!

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SeaBugs Irken oc. “There is no way someone can be that happy.”

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