[3 MADE ISSUE 新作情報]

■TAKENOKO ガミーズコラボ

■hindu kush ODA7136


通販WEB https://t.co/jkawkkb4qt
詳細裏話はWEB記事 https://t.co/jtfymRYRK0

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this ones for killuas kush club

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300BC-200AD from karanog -meroitic era, kush

-stelae of a nubian couple; Meteye (white skirt with a swastika) and Abakharta
-offering table with meroitic inscriptions
-ivory and wood casket
painted cup man herding a cow

-Cairo museum
-Penn museum

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🌱⭐️magical girl kush!!⭐️🌱

another cute lil tattoo design💕

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Kush boye gives a birthday surprise!
Love the arts you draw ^^

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“Potessi dimenticare quanto ero felice
ricordare quanto sono triste
sarebbe un’avversità sopportabile...

🎨Vladimir Kush

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Kush is my boyfriends sona(my oc and art) and my boxer oc, Skarlet.

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Lobster and Kush Protrait!

The two badasses in the same Protrait!

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Courtesy of Vladimir Kush - Oil on Canvas

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Mille pensieri non hanno portato a nulla poi hai smesso di pensare e nel silenzio hai creduto all'intuito..
in mente un'idea che dà una svolta alla tua vita!


Vladimir Kush 🎨

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150% gayer and 2000% less edgy... and ive admitted to myself that pastel pink/beige is good kush
[Not pictured: that goddamn hoodie was a neon green that you could see from space] https://t.co/OnyUSvZoRk

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stan my boy Doctor Stephen Strange for the good kush

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"Pillow Book" by Vladimir Kush. Limited Edition on Canvas (20"x20"). Dreams heal one’s soul, balancing reality with elements of magic and the intangible world of fantasy. Morpheus is yet safeguarding the golden sleep that remains on the girl’s silken eyelashes.

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I created Kush the skunk dragon 9 years ago! How has it been that long?

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