Tomorrow is a big day of digital celebration because it's Ada Lovelace is considered to be one of the first computer programmers. Learn more about this pioneering and share your Ada celebrations with us tomorrow

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How I’ve been waking up every morning it seems like a minute is an hour...

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We did Alfred Russel Wallace proud at the meeting celebrating the 150th anniversary of his epic travel memoir The Malay Archipelago!! *Many thanks* to the LinnSoc, Chas Darwin Trust, speakers, & attendees for making our a great success!

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Book now for our Prof Dr Matthias Glaubrecht will be looking forward & discussing how biodiversity has changed in the since Wallace’s time and also give a general outlook on the future of biodiversity

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Our next day meeting is around the corner! Eleanor Drinkwater will be taking examples from Wallace’s work on caterpillars, butterflies & orchid mantids to discuss warning colouration & animal camouflage

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Happy Ada Lovelace Day! 🖤💻 To commemorate, my of

celebrates the achievements of Who are the women you admire & feel deserve recognition?

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“The Analytical Engine weaves algebraic patterns, just as the Jacquard loom weaves flowers and leaves.”


Image credit: 'Portrait of Ada Lovelace', by Margaret Sarah Carpenter, 1836


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Okay. Show me the support of Black women for

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Augusta Ada King-Noel, Countess of Lovelace. Mathematician, writer, and computing pioneer.

1. Portrait by Margaret Sarah Carpenter, 1836.
2. Engraving by William Henry Mote, after a c.1840 watercolour attributed to Alfred Edward Chalon.

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Happy everyone. Here is my illustration for :

...but really we should celebrate and EVERY day!

Here are more than 50 others for you:


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Happy to all you analytical engine fans out there!

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Happy Here is a unique view of the Royal Pavilion from the roof!

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avec ce superbe plan du domaine, château et de Marly dressé le 22 mai 1767 par Benjamin Cordier, arpenteur des Eaux et forêts de Saint-Germain-En-Laye.

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🏰 Sous le règne de Louis XIII, le château possédait une plateforme d'artillerie de 1000m2 réaménagée en jardin suspendu à 8m du sol.
Under the reign of Louis XIII, the castle had an artillery platform of 1000m2 refitted into a suspended garden 8m above the ground.

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Celebrate with these facts about the mathematician

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In celebration of we remember the "Enchantress of Numbers" for her prophet-like foresight of technology to come. Brush up on your Ada facts with this ode to the world's first programmer by in partnership with :

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