Other horse Babs uwu
Sb: $25
Mi: $1
Ab1: $50
Ab2: $70 (I will make a chibi!)
Currency is USD and i take PayPal!
Base by Malaikat

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Shiba Inu Boy up for Adoption ♥
Base by @/Malaikat
Edits by me

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En varmaa saa tätä koskaa valmiiks mut halusin piirtää tai maalat jotai suomalaisii koirarotui iha vaa arvostuksen takii lmao

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J'ai toujours trouvé Superman flippant.
Un gamin de ferme du plus profond des USA, avec des pouvoirs divins, et un sens de la morale qui ne tolère aucune incartade.
Injustice Year One et Red Son traitent très bien de ce malaise.

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Thank you for the chance!

Design by NezuNey
Base by Malaikat

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I've tried out making a new type of post on Patreon where you could vote for the month's fanart
The new WITCH fanart in fantasy style is already on there

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Alright guys!! First adopt bb is up! 💜

Offer to adopt!
Autobuy: $70!
I’ll accept highest offer in 24 hours if this post succeeds

✨Rts are greatly appreciated!!✨

Base by @//malaikatqueens 💕💕

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This is Aphrodia, she's an Alicorn!

Design by NezuNey
Base by Malaikat

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i realize i have been downgrade my drawing skills hshhhh krn bbrp hari ga gambar. but who cares VAL in my version still gorgeous HEHEHEH Happy Birthday Valac Gregory! 😎🥳 kuat-kuat buat basmi malaikat ya (+berhasil berlayar dgn Vassa hehe)

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An amazing gift from my sis ( )
I've decided to name her Aphrodia~

Design by NezuNey
Base by Malaikat

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Ayo tiap buka hp solawat dulu atau minimal istighfar biar gabuka situs gituan, tiap nonton begitu juga setau aku mandi wajib juga(?)((kalo ada yg tau perkara dalilnya kasih tau ya, cmiiw)) inget ada malaikat yg nyatet amalan kita 🙏

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Arknights's Mephisto untuk partner ane yg selalu suportif sekaligus pecinta shota !
Makasih udh ngomis dan semoga mephisto au keturunan malaikat ini bisa dipakai untuk hari anak nasional.
salam olahraga !

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Selling these girls too 💗
OTA (Money>Art)
Ab for each: $25
✨ Base by Malaikatqueens ✨

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Case que tres meses despois, e por fin teño o meu exemplar do O salón de té do oso malaio, asinado por .

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My favourite water girl 💦💕 Who is your favourite W.I.T.C.H. character?

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Malaikat apaan gitu gw lupa judulnya sori wkwk

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Another batch of WL art I forgot to post here:

Birthday Archivist Malaise ()
Be Silent Docent
Tamto (Avelon)
Friendly Page (WL discord mascot lol)

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