So thankful for challenging month! I meet wonderful writers, completed several chapters in my thriller, 4 painted illustrations for my PB, revised and edited two book dummies, wrote and sent 4 query letters! Not my original goals, but enjoyed writing everyday!

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I have just one query ...

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But five years ago today I sent one more query that led to a response(!) that led to an agent that led to my first contract.

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Current situation, but I will finish my synopsis, so I can start querying my new novel!

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Now I know why everybody is getting rid of jQuery...

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I have two protagonists, a human guy and a dragon alchemist. The stories eventually entangle but they have their own Goal and Motivation. Having bad luck getting responses on my query. I talk about each of them in their own paragraph. Is that wrong? lol

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Tom and Jerry? DOM and jQuery! ... - nerd joke by .

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Taking a break a write query letters.

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In a fantasy query, should we be more focused on conveying the protag's goal-motivation-conflict set or on demonstrating that our fantasy characters/setting are unique? If I just call her a "dragon" the reader won't get the cultural/physiological nature of these guys:

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Hi Justin! I queried you back in February with an unconventional dragon story. I've retooled substantially. Is it okay if I query you again on this?

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Dragon-centric Fantasy Adventure for sale! If are something you're interested in, I wanna talk to you!

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The cure was in her books, somewhere, she was sure. If it was not in her books, it would be in someone else’s, and she would find them.

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Tom and Jerry? DOM and jQuery! ... - nerd joke by .

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