okay here’s a masterpost of my designs for our three protagonists of the broken code! i love them very much but i’m also lowkey really tired of drawing tabbies sdkfkkdnd

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Shadowpaw, Rootpaw and Bristlefrost.

I got inspired to draw these guys after I saw designs. I wanted to keep to her designs and just have a little fun.

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Shadowpaw, Rootpaw, and Bristlefrost designs :3

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full body sketch for my Bristlefrost design just b/c I really wanted to draw it before I do her family lineup
I think I'm gonna mess around a lil bit more with her cheek fur shape as I refine this design more

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Rootpaw, Shadowpaw and Bristlefrost, the new generation of battle cats!

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The three newest protagonists! I love the idea of a diluted calico Bristlefrost. And I hate the idea of Rootpaw being a clone image of his father so I had to give him white spots. And Shadowpaw is fluffy like his mom.

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SPOILERS // Finally got around to drawing the new protagonists for The Broken Code! I love these idiots so much and I hope they get to interact more as a group in the rest of the arc!!

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What if Ooblets were humans?
Bristlebud, Dooziedug and Skuffalo as girls. This was so much fun to draw! ✨

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I've got owed art I need to and WILL work on, but I couldn't go another second w/out sketching our protagonists for Lost Stars

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it's been years since I read warrior cats, I gave Lost stars a shot and... yep these are cliché teenagers but they're really cool so HERE YOU GO lost stars kids w/ bramblestar's ghost
I really like rootpaw so far

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bristlefrost, rootpaw, shadowpaw. Really digging the new protagonists so far

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finished the new warriors book and drew the new trio!!
from left to right bristlefrost > shadowpaw > rootpaw

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