I meant to post these FOREVER ago, but drew my Starfinder (think DnD in space) character and he's my child and I want everybody to see it. ❤️

He's basically a gnome tenno and he's way cooler than I will ever be.

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Another commission I did for Starfinder podcast This is Joslyn Pepper, aka Joss, she's a human mechanic 🧑‍🔧Final image and some process!

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I was commissioned by  to make art of his Starfinder group.

The third member of the "New" Midnight Squad is Guvash Zyznik, the Vesk Soldier wielding his deadly doshko.


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I had draw my Starfinder Fly Free or Die Character. Meet Ixita Hietan former pirate/smuggler current cargo hauler.

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Hey, I was recently commissioned by  to make art of his Starfinder group.
The second member of the "New" Midnight Squad is Yffili Stone, the Ifrit (half Human, half Efreet) Solarian. 

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Hey, I was recently commissioned by  to make art of his Starfinder group.

The first member of the "New" Midnight Squad is Forty, the Android Mechanic and his drone Bertrand. 

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Ended up doing some basic character drawings for my dnd groups new Starfinder campaign coming up. A Brenari (otter) envoy, Kobold mechanic, and Shatori witchwarper. The Vlaka (dog) is an older drawing of one of the npc's for the DM

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(Wezzie belongs to @ antoniwopasw0 ((@ antoniopas0 on Insta)))

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Had to save these images for so long, Wyn was never talking to you she was taking to Pog (short for Pogchamp) her new little Alucidaemon pal 🤣🤣🤣 (new hair cut Wyn just got not included... because that was a last second decision)

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Starfinder character, Alandria for an art trade!

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Played some starfinder today. I play one (1) small bug named Amino.

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Made my first Society character today, a kalo mystic! I'll be playing him on soon. He's a talent scout for the Stargrindr social network 😏

I'll do a proper drawing of him soon because it's too late for that tonight haha

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Seren Vega. Suli solarian in Starfinder. Private commission for

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Miss Pip is at your service! 💖

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From a Starfinder game that never got off the ground, Minky the Ysoki/Ratfolk. I love rats. Especially chonky little fat rats that like cuddles, and Minky was made in that image.

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started playing starfinder with a new group, did up some art of our bad ass ice cold murder hobo goonslayers

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New NPC Wifey!!!! Slime Wife to Varnak (both owned by )

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"I have always been here. This moment in this time is a crossroads, stretching out in branches across eternity, and every path I have walked has drawn me to this point."

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