so let me get this straight: my chat didn’t stop me from going to scavenge the aurora knowing that THIS THING typically protects it????? thank god radiation stopped me before HE did 😭

0 16

Li'l Tos 2x12 - The Deadly Years: Old Man Kirk
"I admit, I'm getting a little grey but radiation will do that to you."

2 27

you know what? i'm gonna say it. cosmic background radiation IS a riot

8 16

Working on Rakii lore and made a quick lil alien species in a kind symbiotic relationship with them. In exchange for shelter on one of their moons, the Utik's slime is harvested make a protective gel layer in spacesuits against radiation.

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i mean its technically radiation from the master emerald
but still the thought process of "had a nightmare, better microwave the baby" is still...questionable.

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depending on your play style, you might get an ending returning the party safely to the underground, or you'll end up stuck on the surface. while exploring the labyrinth, cirro learns early on that the surface emits radiation that corrupts the party & causes hallucinations.

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[ Moving airstreams would cause ionization
Cosmic rays would then expose you to radiation ]

experimenting ~

5 57

It still kind of bothers me they don't credit the artists used to train this thing, but I really can't argue with Nick Wilde (with severe radiation poisoning)

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Wolf-Rayet stars are hot stars on their way to supernova. The radiation emitted by WR134 creates the blue oxygen shell. ONTC 10in f4 ASI1600MM Pro Paracorr Type 2 Astrodon

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Our last spotlight is American Eagle. His physical stats were enhanced to superhuman levels due to a mysterious radiation, but there's nothing mysterious about what makes him a compelling character: and a strong connection to his Navajo heritage and being a straight-up badass.

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i love gradiation map
also wip

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Introduce us to an under-appreciated character that you love!

This is Jennifer Takeda, AKA Hazmat! She emits toxic radiation from her body! She has to wear her suit all the time to keep those around her safe. You can check her out in Avengers Academy & Captain Marvel (2019) 🥰

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time to reread and catch up on Radiation House

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Azra Azarfar, Scourge Aasimar Eldritch Knight, as rendered by .

Her mask is a fantasy-Venetian volto that helps keep her strong and hazardous Radiant Consumption under control. Because if you need a lid on your magical divine radiation, why not make it pretty?

1 6

stars can leave a bad taste in her mouth, so a supermassive black hole or two can wash that foul tasting solar radiation right away. black  holes taste fine, but cannibah thinks supermassive black holes are the best. (; 

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(2) Nikto are gifted fighters, often serving as enforcers for the Hutts. The Nikto species features five distinct mutated sub-species due to a massive radiation from a dying nearby star M'dweshuu.

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TARANIS : Tool for the Analysis of RAdiation from lightNIng and Sprites, a mission by & Img2 artist’s view Img3 Sato et al., 2008 Img4 CNES Launch in 2020

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