Here’s my current batch of WIP Karak Reclaimer (Duardin Coalition City) warscrolls with a Kharardron Focus. Feedback always welcome

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Thanks to a fantastic paintover of my Bugmansson war-sled by here’s my Christmas model in his final form

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Finished some more models for my warband! Even old Johan got to feature as the units “musician”. Well I bet he’s making plenty of noise 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Sigvald the Magnificent art, really want to get a hold of this model

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Art Reveal!
Check out these new Archetypes for the upcoming Champions of Order supplement for

Find out more about Khainite Shadowstalkers and Scinari Cathallar here:

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If the 2021 Celebration miniature is for an character this year, I'll be mightily disappointed if it's not Hamilcar Bear Eater!

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"You think nobody knows your password is sigmarXnagash19? You're precious."

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We have some exciting news! In December we will be releasing a new show per day in the lead up to Xmas! A FaceHammer Advent Calendar series of content along with an Xmas special!
Here is a seasonal logo to get everyone in the mood!

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Fyreslayer of the Vostarg Lodge. To bring runic vengeance upon the enemies of Grimnir's children is the destiny of these particular duardin warriors.

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Closely exploring the political relations between Bretonnia and the Empire would be something really interesting. In 2nd edition's "Knights of the Grail" and "Sigmar's Heirs" there was some info, but only a little. Hey , any chance for a future Bretonnian sourcebook?

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If only the miniatures of savage orruk looked so brutal!

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Idoneth Deepkin Star Player for Soul Ball. Armed with soulrender gauntlets, she extends her physical abilities in times of need, not some simple Akhelian, but an Isharann princess.

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I think the framework for Shadowmarsh (my unofficial narrative campaign) is now roughly sorted.

The submission window IS NOT OPEN TILL TOMORROW but if anyone would like to read through what I have and give feedback I'd be very grateful

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Starting in the next few days, my Unofficial narrative submission campaign Shadowmarsh
Pick an alliance to support each week
Build a unit, gain points
Paint a unit, gain points
Write some rules, gain points.

To further your factions narrative goals

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Great art from the new Warcry starter. Are you going to get it?

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The Games Tavern Happy Hour is going live in 5 minutes!

Tonight the latest news on releases & a roundup. a of fantasy character avatar generator! A review on Inkarnate map making software!

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AoS translation of Bloodbowl Preorder preview:
Pickup your Anvilgard City Guard, ideal for Broken Realms Morathi
Awesome Ironjawz base models with characterful grots
Great Dragon Ogor base model
Fantastic Treelord/Alternate drycha base model

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Broken Realms Morathi now up for pre-order! Help support the show and order yours through the link below!

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