I don't know i posted this art here but Tamaki is one of my precious boy from BNHA.. and his relationship with Mirio is very cute i think *-*
my art ig :@ maoz_44

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incorrect quote doodle from the miritama server while working on zines and recovering from a tooth extraction, sorry for the slowdown in art recently 🙏

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some cleaned up sketches of some good boys i haven't posted 🙏(also bc doodling them is therapeutic tbh)
mirio with a shirt that'll never fit him and tamaki wearing his bf's oversized jacket

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made some cleaned up sketches of the big 3 in summer outfits since it's been sweltering recently 😓 might finish these sometime in the future!

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Happy pride month! 🌈🎉
i couldn't decide if I liked the lined or painted more so here's both versions (if ppl could tell me which looks better id appreciate it a bunch!)

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My new obsession, ladies and gentleman. . .Tamaki Amijiki is just best boi like OMg.... ITS NOT BECAUSE OF *shifty eyes*

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What? You asked: "Why you post art at 7 June?" Technically, I drew first page at May. And all else for 2 days. I couldn't let go of these sketches, don't judge me XD

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told myself i was gonna be productive today but that didn't happen so instead i shitposted again

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Tamaki boy, why was it so difficult to draw you this time?! It takes eternity to end!
Silly comics, bc I can ⊙▽⊙

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Coming soon ... or not ... hahaha, let's see if I finish it.

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cleaned up and finished this doodle late last night 🙏 a friend brought up the idea of tamaki w/ raven/crow wings and I couldn't help myself (and also added a halo bc why not)

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