チョコレート いかがですか、先生?
Happy Valentine... ❤️❤️
can you recognize the chocolate? 👁️👁️✨

31 189

It will be a lonely valentine...

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It seems I can't really bring myself to draw that many of my characters showing romantic feelings for each other, but I guess Lisa and Polly here have each found a valentine. I think this is the first time I've drawn side views of these skunks too.

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Gapapapapa ga dapet ucapan atau hadiah valentine.
Lebih seneng kalo bisa ngasih hadiah sederhana aja, kaya art gini misalnya, mulai dari 20k aja gais

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drakemma's valentine.

122 248

If you don't have one; I can be your valentine.

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What's your pre-Valentines routine? Mine is a long hot bath, sometimes with a rose bath bomb and bubbles, shaving, plucking, and maybe some special skincare. Rem loves hot rosy baths too. It's his simple pleasure.

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💗 b-be our valentine.. please? ₍⑅ᐢ ›̥̥̥ ‸ ‹̥̥̥ ᐢ₎ 💗

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Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown (1975) Linus attempts to give a valentine to his teacher as Charlie Brown hopes to receive a valentine. After the cards are passed out, it turns out Charlie Brown has received nothing except for one candy heart which says "FORGET IT, KID!".

11 31

Its the 14th so... Will you be my valentine..?

I could be your... hatoful girlfriend (・・ ) ? (ehe)

15 90

Happy Valentine.今日はバレンタイン!!今夜は に参加します!他にも数本!どれもかなり気合入れてるんで聞いてくれ!

1 35

"Will you be my Valentine..?"

25 105

My lil submission for the
Thank you for blessing us for such great games!

5 13


Someone, pls give me a choco...

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