You say "We gotta look on the bright side" I say "Well maybe if you wanna go blind."

5 70

Believe in Love...for it is stronger than hate......."An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind." M K Gandhi.

3 9

| Of all the years that left us blind. |

1 26

I..wanted to send that in a private message, but apparently there's no option for that? Or maybe it's just me being blind...?

1 7

* Hastur.

Combat zone medic.(retired)
Collects organs.
Terrible cook.
Morally gray and disassociated.

3 8

Concept drawing of 古代 けものフレンズ: ディロフォサウルス. Prehistoric cousin of エリマキトカゲ (= ' w ' =). Spits venom that causes paralysis and blind.

2 2

サークル 東4き6a 「blind.」で参加します

8 18

Finished coloring 古代 けものフレンズ: ディロフォサウルス. Prehistoric cousin of エリマキトカゲ (= ' w ' =). Spits vemon that can cause paralysis & blind.

2 7

when you try drawing your favorite Pokemon blind.

1 1

【03/20家宝は寝て松春眠2017】お品書き | アン吉@腰痛い@秋好
西1イ23a 「blind.」で参加します!

12 19

If you have any crits at all, lay it on me. My brain's cooked. Stared myself blind.

2 23

WEDS! If Murdock thought Muse was dark before, he ain't seen nothing! And not just because he's, y'know, blind. Daredevil on sale Weds!

7 12

day 3, cass and baarbara. cass is an apothecary, and also blind. she relies on baarb to get around outside the shop

16 55

10/3 Don't Look Now (1973)
"This one who's blind. She's the one who can see."

0 0

3/4 of these guys are blind..

1 2

I really thought the first two pics were Kai. Oh my ghad, I'm blind.

7 4

Love is blind.
affection is deadly poison.
(恋は盲目 愛は猛毒)

0 11

It's time to begin Oracle of Seasons! BLIND. It's the Zeldathon!

1 1