feel free to use these!! These were some fakemon I made a while back, if you use them I only ask that you credit me if it's ok, I just hope these are ok designs

Antzia (the anteater)
Holideer (the deer)
Galcodo (the sawfish)

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Our 15-month old makes She’s just getting into crayons, so I color with her.

I get about 25 seconds for each sketch before she takes over.

She also randomly swaps crayons with me every few seconds (so lots of colors each fish)🐟🖍

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fish line 🌊

(pisces + blue betta fish)

305 787

「謎の魚 (mysterious fish)」

2 27

Loving this thread and all the sweet couples 💕 I've got a few oc ships as well! First two pics are Rulka & Belial, then there's Nareon (DH) and Iradei (who belongs to ) and last are Teru (the fish) & Legi (the stag) ☺️

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my little girl (fish) has been feeling bad/under the weather.
am sad about it :,<

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昨日読んだ絵本。junaida『の』装丁 祖父江慎+藤井遥(cozfish)。福音館書店 2019年11月刊。糸島市図書館蔵書。福岡市総合図書館複本2冊貸出中、予約11人。junaidaさん(1978年生まれ男性)を読むのは、先月読んだ、『Michi(みち)』福音館書店 2018.11 以来、まだ2冊目

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ミズダコが魚を食べる (giant pacific octopus eats fish) https://t.co/DEfmg7vwfS

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Instagramのユーザー向けアート(@ _digital_goldfish)。

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For I'll share one of my favourite fossils:
Rhamphorhynchus flies over water.
Snap! Catches a fish.
Then (there's always a bigger fish) SNAP! get's caught by a Aspidorhynchus leaping out the water! But it's too chewy, entangles with the teeth! Oh no, all die!

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【1/12 インテックス大阪】

新刊のリドル本と、既刊(HP、BANANA FISH)とICカードケースとか持っていきますー


6号館b レ39b 『RA』

22 123

Fugu and Inada Fish, from the series Uozukushi (Every Variety of Fish), by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797–1858)

29 103

I forgot!

9. ash lynx (banana fish)

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テングダイ(英名がStriped "boar"fish)

76 290

Heres the full reference sheet of my OC's. They all live in a house with and polygamous relationship with each other. (From Left to right) Sylica(fish), SugarRock(bat), Brimmey(demon cat),
Knocks(fox/doggo), WeakKnees(bee), and Boaret(boar).

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While flathead catfish are part of the Ictaluridae (North American catfish) family, they’re the only species in their genus. Like other catfish, they have those sensory whiskers (barbels) + smooth, scaleless skin

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junaida『の』 福音館書店

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I Dare You to Break My Heart
Come on and give it your best shot!

Oh hey its gutz!

(i HC him singing anything by Reel big fish)

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just for fun, here are some of the characters that inspired crane's design :D that's ling yao (fmab), sour cream (steven universe), and shorter wong (banana fish)!

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