Olá mortais, aqui é a Nath. 21 anos. Curso Design na UFRJ... Faço uns rabiscos aqui e ali de vez em sempre e costumo postá-los no Instagram. Vamos andar juntos no recreio!

(link: https://t.co/QHKQ7MXwYE)

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ASDGHSDSj...... she,, she is Also a purple monster from a video game

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Me hice un oc nuevo el otro día, se llama Merengue, y aunque su paleta no es del todo definitiva (tengo que hacerle 1 par de arreglos al pelito) lo quiero mucho !!!! Es otro oc postre fdgjhdfj....

Contrasta muy bien con Tigretón, estoy feliz!!!

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j...just...touchin ur best friends face..... real gently.............

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So much anime news released over the past week and especially during the weekend at AJ... The future looks good.

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gwoj........ band............................

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People have asked what I am going to do with Gine when it comes to SSJ...well it's not as easy you might think. Here's why! (Awesome artwork done by )


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lets go to the beach beach ...ninki minjaj...

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MJ....((('ㅁ',,,!!! 초기 컨셉었나.. 이쁘다.. 지금도 이쁘지만!!

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Valentine’s day from two sleepy bed heads 💛 that morning wwx woke up before lwj...

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you've already seen modern au sy, lbh, sqh, and mbj...

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-¿Quieres una de 4 estrellas que no tienes?
-Claro, una del banner porfa, encima tienen rate up
-Pues NO, será una del año de la patata porque... porque nos sale de nuestros coj... de la probabilidad xD

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i can’t sleep and i’m hungry fjfjfj........ but i’m really happy with these details so far uwu

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