Recordatorio amistoso del Equipo medico del Proyecto!
Recuerden protegerse, aun estando vacunados!
Nada es 100% seguro, si no, tendremos que amputarles varios miembros!
Quieres jugar NA en Español?
Descarga nuestro Parche:

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若くして工房を受け継いだ錬金術師のカタリナ(右/CV: ほなみ)と、かわいい動物のような不思議な生き物のステファン(左/CV: ほなみ)。#ミストオーバー

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It is a drawing of Ininia. I mistook her having black fingernails, sorry about that 😓

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both venti and xiao bcuz i often mistook them for the other cuz of their hair🧍🏾‍♀️

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Seguro eran amigas y casandra le había puesto un apodo amistoso jsjsjs

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Laura y Antonio, unos estudiantes que la vida los junta y tratan de entablar una relación amistosa y secretos no dichos entre los dos.

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다양한 연출을 위하여 주인공 리블로의
스탠딩 일러스트 추가 작업을 했습니다.
그 중, 두 장 입니다. :)

10 16

Oh! Well I never was there ever a cat so clever as magical mister Mistoffelees 🪄

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Recordatorio amistoso de que Wish Dragon está ya disponible en Netflix pero como no ha habido publicidad nadie nos hemos acordado de ella :(

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"Kazhua, the wandering samurai"

This all started from a irl friend who mistook Kazuha as Kazhua (ka zuaq : cockroach in Hokkien)

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Help mistook me for a student just because i'm small so now i'm living in the art class's cupboards and eating all their oil paints <333

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Once again they mistook Informant for Russell. I now have 283829 Informants and 3 Russells. He keeps losing even in merch...

But they finally arrived! They're available at now 👊💫
(#HelloCharlotte etc)

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He is boy~ 😂😂 you r the third person who mistook him for a girl, but yeah he is super cutee, I think he will be an amazing tap 🙈💘💕

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요정의 마을, 셀라릭 작업 중입니다.
꽃을 담당하는 요정들이 살고 있어요!
언젠가 요정에 관한 이야기도 자세히 다뤄보고 싶어요. :3

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New open access paper on a Tomistomine from Australia! New named taxon called Gunggamarandu maunala. Pretty fragmentary but still neat to see Aussie Tomistomines(as I was expecting considering their early Paleogene radiation).

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