What do y'all happened to cause Kodai to say, "Yeah, riveting. Tell ya what? I'm just gonna stay right here in this goddamn car!"?

1 24

It's not exactly one to one, but these pics also emit a similar energy...

7 43

What some choice words you would use to describe Kodai and his big belly? Get creative!

8 65

You know, I don't really have a character that truly screams "edgelord". The closest I have is Zabzol and Lord Yagyu, and even then they look too "soft" to be considered edgy.

1 11

What if the reason Goliath and Mapocha have a fear of exploding is because they have a brand of chonk that can actually make them explode ala Voltorb/Electrode?

8 52

"Ya know, why does everyone make a distinction between normal food and fatty food? They both make ya fat! Just look at me! I eat both types of food and I still got fat!"

9 40

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: The only troll I've ever found attractive was Trundle from League of Legends, mostly because of his rework that made him daddy as fuck...

0 16

I just realized that these two images both emit the same energy!

7 48

Prof. Makigumo firmly believes that "Real Men Wear Pink", hence why he wears pink boxers and has at least one pink sweater. However, he only wears the latter during special occasions...

10 55

Just randomly thought of Prof. Makigumo and Chunky Winston dancing together in a Disney styled musical number...😄

12 72

"Okay, I admit it. I'm getting fat and part me enjoys being addicted to food. So what?"

9 47

Hey, remember how this used to be a fat Gendo Ikari? Well, what do you think would have happened to elicit this reaction out of him?

0 2

"Goodness! Maybe my associates were on to something. I look like I've swallowed someone whole..."

I know some of y'all have been waiting for this...

25 122

"I see you've been eating well, professor..."
"Uh... I can explain!"

Really? You sure you can explain how you're belly is beginning to peak through and you've lost yet another button?

14 59

"Okay, I know this looks rather suspicious, but I'm ordering these for my students! Honest!"

Professor, first of all, who orders a dozen pies for their class? Secondly, WE DON'T HAVE WEEKEND CLASSES.


2 22

"Professor, did you order 50 creamsicle again?"
"So what if I did?! What if I need them for class?! Besides, do you know how hot it's been?!"

You probably wouldn't be so hot if you stopped wearing that sweater...


5 38

Felt like redrawing one of my older OCs from 2009, Jindo Budokai...

10 38

"Damn it... Why must I have such a weakness for good meat? At this rate, I'll never be rid of this Hekkachonk body of mine..."

5 23