1. The University Museum of Zoology Cambridge has a collection of fluid preserved deep-sea invertebrates collected from hydrothermal vent sites in the Southern Ocean by the British Antarctic Survey

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Natural history illustration and the park: Iconografia della fauna italica : per le quattro classi degli animali vertebrati, by C L Bonaparte, 1832-41, BHL/Smithsonian, 4 vols........https://t.co/FLZvIa2tG6

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N tava entendendo oq era essa parada que eu desenhei nos outros estudos, o antebraço ainda é meio complexo pra mim, fiz um estudinho pra entender oq éra. Pelo jeito é um dos tendões do bíceps que se dispersa sobre os flexores, ou algo assim

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So since my headache returns everyday somehow - I asked Bae to take a look at my neck and he said my Atlas (vertebrae) could be dislocated again :`|
I have no idea how tf I'm doing this (would be the thrid time now) and I hope it's rlly only a weird migraine this time :'D

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Esse também não tem muitos problemas, acho que o que eu mais vejo seria o fato de que quando vc fica nessa posição seu ombro aparece mais e o antebraço não chegar nessa parte da cabeça o antebraço não fica reto, ele completa o que precisa subir pra mão chegar ali

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Hornbill's first two neck vertebrae are fused to support their large bill, which is actually lighter than one would expect!

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[8/11] Our main hypotheses: Diverging shape of first thoracic vertebra (‘cervicalization’ of T1) and allows increased mobility at neck-trunk transition in Similarity/convergence of last cervical (C7) shape in long-necked taxa.

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Vampire squid! Todays suggested by in another life I became a biologist and study nautilus behaviour. This was fun to paint, I love all the bold red, have the best colours. 🥰

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POV: you are the Colette's favorite Brawler😳
Which is your favorite female Brawler?💕

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Another one for portfolio day !!
Hi, I'm Sudhi. Aside from anime art, I do toon-based zoology sciart (mainly invertebrates so far)

Nice to meet ya 😆

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he's also really bony for, again, an invertebrate

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Giraffe-invertebrate hybrids are giving it more trouble.

Writing the word "giraffe" real small next to a drawing of a mantis does not make it a giraffe-mantis hybrid but I like the thought.

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The appearance of Rolling Turtle is similar to that of a turtle or tortoise. It has bunny-like front teeth along with naive eyes. It seems to have a human-like vertebrae and a very round shell.

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Foramen magnum meningioma which compresses brainstem, cranial nerves, and vertebral artery; and lateral suboccipital approach.

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New Spinosaurus dorsal vertebrae centrum arrangement based on anterior centrum curve. Identify each centrum location is important in order to rebuild the complete model of skeleton.
Read more at below link if you like:

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and some favorite seasonal 100% not-accurate invertebrates from the past few months

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O Lendenwirbel, o Lendenwirbel,
wie schön sind deine Facetten! 🎄

(Oh lumbar vertebra, oh lumbar vertebra.
How beautiful are your facets!)

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