2019/03/30 読了。完結。

『魔法少女リリカルなのはMOVIE1st THECOMICS2 (ノーラコミックス)』(都築真紀, 長谷川光司 著)

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2019/03/30 読了。

『魔法少女リリカルなのはMOVIE1st THECOMICS1 (ノーラコミックス)』(都築真紀, 長谷川光司 著)

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『覇界王~ガオガイガー対ベターマン~theCOMIC』第一巻、3/27発売……もうすぐですよ! 特装版特典CDには『勇者王誕生!』新バージョン(ショートver.)と、新録サウンドドラマが収録されています!

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I'm drawing page 215 today!
We're also gonna be listening to some good ol' Tchaikovsky.

Come say hi if you can!

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When you make a deal with a fey, choose your words right and you may end up with Tiv's fiddle.
Epic item. Tox is happy

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When the girl wants to talk. Girl wants to talk. New Cup-Get today. https://t.co/hWb9BQviGM

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마블과 코믹콘 서울의 환상 케미!
이인혁 작가와 마블의 협업을 통해 탄생한 ‘코믹콘 서울 2019’ 공식 포스터를 공개합니다.

오늘 8월 2일부터 4일까지 코엑스에서 열리는 올해 행사에서는 마블만의 특별한 Zone이 선보입니다.

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We are revealing the poster of 'Comic Con Seoul 2019' that Lee In-hyuk worked with MARVEL.
From August 2 to 4, Marvel's special Zone will be held in 'Comic Con Seoul 2019' at COEX.

Tickets are due to be opened soon. Follow us!

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Everyone has their reason to not be a social media celebrity. New Cup-Get is posted. https://t.co/YQJNMkov6I

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Stream time! I'll be offering FREE DOODLE REQUESTS at intervals between page steps! Come say hi and request a doodle!


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Kat goes into her more "Mediator" side in today's Cup-Get!

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I'm going to stream some tonight!
Working on page 205! Come say hi if you can. :D


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New comics as always, also Patreon supporters can get an original character (OC) into stories I make/ feel free to message me too for inquiries and commissions.

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