I am enjoying crowbar justice wayyyy too much in my comic right now.

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Asks: I need to know, how much for Xavier to accept to wear the nine tails onesie again?

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Asks: Does Theo have a favorite song? Or maybe a go-to playlist?

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Asks: What's Valerie's favourite past time activity?

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Kat_Light (from the EXTRA! discord) Asks: How are Alexis' goldfish doing?

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New page, new character! He just wants to be left alone. 😆

He's allied with the bad guys, but his hair is fun to draw, so therefore I like him. Welcome to the comic, Cody.


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I like how this panel is coming out. XD

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New page of EXTRA! Just goes to show... complaining gets you there faster.

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New page of EXTRA! Xavier ditches everyone to become a forest parkour youtuber.

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New page of EXTRA! At long last, a start to the healing process.

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New update! Time to bravely forge ahead into probably-unstable architecture.


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