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Microbiologists recreate ‘Starry Night’ with bacteria for microbe art competition:

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Michael Fleming depicts a marine biologist for a limited print & Seinfeld show. Look here - https://t.co/XjMzyoBqXF

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Combing microbiology and art! Love this! https://t.co/zASE56oxtL

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Here is a teaching poster. Happy everyone!

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New efforts to digitize museum collections could help answer important questions in biology http://t.co/6pDadOAfv0

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My print for the upcoming show “Marine Biologist -

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Day 26 of the challenge! It's a half-done fish! I was too lazy to do some fin texture haha.

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Day 23 of the challenge! Still on a kick with this snake. Only a few more days to go!

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Day 22 of the challenge! Feeling like a giant nerd because I drew a phospholipid bilayer.

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Day 1 of the 30 day palette challenge! I've been studying parasites lately so...this happened.

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Biological Responses to Climate Change /// awesome graphic from http://t.co/bpf9QcCHBZ

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Sehr Biologisch.

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Este es un dibujillo random que hice para regalarselo a mi profesor de biologia a finales de curso.

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Guns N Taxonomy: The Vertebrate Biology of Annie Alexander (Women in Science 44) http://t.co/zXf9obR8sW

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could you draw BABE *Biology and basic evolution* based on rl me. And its to celebrate me finding my talent

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